Interesting, thoughtful stories

Oh, that sounds like a great book. I quite like hoiden

explains that a ramp was a “hoidening, frisking, jumping, rude girl” (a hoiden or hoyden was another word for a lively lass) while a romp was a “rude, boisterous, awkward girl.” If girls were supposed to be silent, still and submissive, it wouldn’t have taken much to be labeled impolite or overactive.


I’ve usually seen it spelled ‘hoyden.’




In my area, most places that meet the criteria in this video all have some barriers to entry. Bars have their regular crowds, barbers/hairdressers are still largely segregated, and restaurants that hold regular events can’t avoid the commercial pitfalls. Folks congregate in parks or at library events, but those fall short on the discussion/interaction part.

The most inclusive tends to be the local VFW. It’s open to non-members, attracts multi-generational groups to events, supports diversity, and serves a lot of regulars in the community. As a result, there’s a lot of discussion with a broad range of views/perspectives. The only pitfall is they do serve alcohol, but that’s optional and only at happy hour events (they host a lot of fundraiser breakfasts, luncheons, and dinners, too). :woman_shrugging:t4:

Making something similar reminds me of those clubhouses created in some new developments, which might be a starting point to consider:


TW: death and violence

What a story. Big stuff.
Maybe read this in a quiet moment where you have some time to yourself to recover.

ETA: added TW


I admit to being something of a data visualization nerd but even if I were not I’d still find this piece plenty interesting:

For one thing, it has quite a few truth nuggets about U.S. culture. Kinda wow.


Not all heroes wear capes:


Amazing article. Thanks for posting.



An interesting back to school report from The Daily Show, covering a few popular subjects:

Sad Kristen Bell GIF


I tried to screenshot it, but it didn’t take, but I got a little message at the bottom saying that is my first free article on the Baffler… that’s new!

Here we go!



Am I dumb if my first reaction is

Guardians Of The Galaxy GIF
it’s entirely possible I’m dumb.


I’m probably more interested in the harm caused by conservative & closeted queer people than the general population.

Also with him getting punched by Norman Mailer on the streets of the gay resort town - Provincetown. That’s an asshole fest right there.

“… if one feels no shame about being a homosexual, it’s considerably easier to be a homosexual than a heterosexual. Because you are separated from society, the weight of society bears upon you far less, and promiscuity is far simpler.” — Conversations with Norman Mailer

“With women, the difficulty is that any man who’s really a superb lover can be about 90 percent as good to a woman as a lesbian, just doing the things that a lesbian does and then he’s got all the other stuff. So the result is that lesbians do have a tough time ….” — Town Bloody Hall

Mailer on Stabbing His Wife:

“We all know that I stabbed my wife many years ago. We all know that.” — The Dick Cavett Show

Mailer on Rape:

“A little bit of rape is good for a man’s soul.” — Norman Mailer: A Double Life

Mailer on His Nether Regions:

Refers to his penis as the “Retaliator.” — The Prisoner of Sex

well now I want to go punch Norman Mailer’s corpse…


Sounds like too much trouble; what with having to dig him up and all.

What say we organize a trip to Provincetown for a piss on his grave festival?


Oh No Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN

Damn what an asshole Mailer was, but Peretz is quite a piece of work himself…

And that’s why the book review is interesting.