Is progress inevitable?

Only if you weren’t paying attention.

But the timeline isn’t Mad Max, it’s The Sheep Look Up.


No, that’s backwards. Mathematical laws can always be broken, just by changing the axioms of the formal system you’re working in. Physical laws cannot, because they apply to the specific universe we live in.


“And though we drown / I won’t wear a frown / 'cause we’ll all go down together”

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John Brunner’s prophetic masterpiece. I have referred to Donald Trump as “Prexy” dozens of times in casual conversation and not once has anyone gotten the reference… I don’t know about Oz, but here in America we truly do inhabit Brunner’s world.

Edit:. I’m out for the day, gonna go dig potatoes. Hopefully the jigras haven’t got to them!


Ok, fair enough. Conservation of energy is a consequence of the quantum
mechanical definition of energy a la Noether’s theorem.

But the law “entropy increases” is just a restatement of "given a random
process, the outcome that can happen the most ways will happen most often."
It’s pure probability theory. Except for Boltzman’s constant. I don’t know
a theoretical explanation for that value. So i guess that is physics.

And yes, probability theory is defined with respect to particular axioms. You win a cookie. Any universe where that doesn’t hold… I can’t really imagine what that would mean

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