Is this a water fountain or a torture device? Thanks, Sodastream!

“Displaced” is perhaps a bit misleading. Sodastream’s factory is in an area where Bedouins used to roam before the 1950s, but it’s not like they bulldozed a Bedouin village to build it. Also, about a third of the employees in the factory are Bedouin. It brought many sorely needed jobs to the region and the company has worked really hard to promote coexistence–at least before October 7 tore so many coexistence efforts to shreds.

How many applied? It was inevitable that the vast majority of Palestinians who worked in the plant would lose their jobs if the plant closed since it’s much harder to cross into Israel than to work at a factory in your neighborhood. That doesn’t mean it was OK for an Israeli-owned factory to operate in the occupied West Bank in the first place, but it was a very obvious consequence.

Yes. Quite the turnaround considering that PepsiCo had a total boycott of Israel in place (they refused to sell any products there) until 1992.

The cool down has

Hang a Bag of water with pennies outside your door,
Get money for home upgrades
wrap foil around doorknowb when alone here why
A video ad that shifts around so it’s always in your face
Put Baking soda in the toilet here’s why
Put Baking soda in the toilet here’s why
Must read how to easily sharpen old knives [read more]

all for less than 500 words of text, most of which summarize a reddit thread.

I suppose that they’re inside the security zone? Kind of hard to sneak in an EMP device then.




Sodastream is crappy for doing this, no question. But they are not the only party here. Airports are companies. They are the ones who sold this right to Sodastream who happened to be the highest bidder. Is isn’t just Sodastream that wants your travel to be miserable, it is the people who run the Philly airport. The message is clear: when possible avoid this airport, just like avoiding the hell hole that is the Newark Airport (let’s remove all space for travelers and replace it with businesses that we don’t have enough physical space for). The problem, as these airports see it, is those pesky people trying to get onto planes on time.


previously on boingboing


It’s much better now, since they got rid of public toilets altogether.



one month old.

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Bobo probably sees this water fountain as a character-building device. Immortan Joe as NYT columnist.



Mike Judge: the Nostradamus of our times.


And the water fountain isn’t even carbonated?


I think they offer carbonated and flavoured for cash money (paid via an app you have to download). The regular water doesn’t cost anything except aggravation.


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