New York 2140: Kim Stanley Robinson dreams vivid about weathering climate crisis

“Let’s have some strange fate upon which worlds depend and then put it in the head of an alien microbe infuser and genetic modification trendster! What could possibly go wrong?” Interesting worlds? Yes! ( I want to cruise the universe in a hollowed out asteroid!) Characters that you want to throttle, also yes! This was a tough slog for me too but the landscapes kept me.

Then there are the Sand Mafias to consider:


A book I very much enjoyed that is a lot less optimistic but gets the science and politics down very well (in our soon-to-be post-capitalistic hell-hole that will leave the cities drowned and millions displaced) is Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi.


It’s like Dune in reverse.

In other words, Waterworld with precious sand at the bottom of the ocean.

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