omg, i remember that! that was very, VERY fun.
Ok so like now we need a project that uses… checks notes …
-worth of bowling balls. And a lot of lumber, because I know nothing about welding.
Oh hey and while we’re at, why not also get into tHe FrEe EnErGy industry:
Bowling is actually growing as a competition sports, with many high schools and colleges/universities adding teams. Maybe this is mainly happening in rural areas, but it is happening. Which is smart for the sport, actually, as parents spend a fortune on any activity that might get junior a $400 scholarship somewhere…
Variation on #3: start a new fitness fad. Juggling bowling balls as the new crossfit.
There’s another variation this puts me in mind: put the bowling bowls in bowling bags with reinforced handles to be used as “kettle bell” weights.
Ha! Just had to explain to GirlChild when recently thrift shopping for a hawaiian shirt for a school costume day, why I was buying a lone bowling pin.
Hitting a bowling pin at a few hundred yards is also a lot of fun.
my first thought was sell them to the naval industry as balast. but I suppose there’s probably some high tech thing being used nowadays instead of the old four-masters filled with flagstones. but maybe not? you’d have to pack them in tightly and bind the edges to keep them from rolling around, but subsequent layers would nest into the base layer like those old stacks of canon balls.
It’s not false, I know I haven’t been bowling in years.
Oh, rellay making it on the Polka circuit can be brutally tough.
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