Op-ed recommendation: “Until we treat rapists as ordinary criminals we won’t stop them”

DSM V is easily stolen last I heard.

Sorry the pissiness (not a clinical term) is unwarranted.

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Hey, totally understandable. World is going to shit right now, we’re all on the verge of nuclear war, and the goddamn dog barfed on my bed. Snark is totes cool, bro.


Ah the old canem vomitus, nasty!


It’s not a clinical term, though, and as such it’s use when talking about issues relating to mental health etc. is limited and unhelpful.

This is false. Opening up discussions about mental health by recognizing and using common language while still being specific is perfectly possible (not limiting) and makes the world a better place (helpful). Words have meaning that you can get from context or from a dictionary. Often, but not always, the meaning is congruent with the clinical usage (see Merriam-Webster on sociopathy for example). The meaning is subject to change. People with degrees don’t get to control the English language.

It’s a non-clinical term with many unhelpful and misleading overtones, is more my point, not merely that it’s not a clinical term. But I should admit that the DSM and all “professional” tomes have the same kind of misleading, judgmental, frame-y language, 'cause, well, that’s language, man…

I hear you, though, about being gatekeeper-y and gross with words, which I’ll cop to, I thought I was being brave Horatius but was really being a butt.




The intention wasn’t to “block” anything, not sure why you would even throw that out there.

People were saying that prison sentences have no deterrent effect whatsoever, or at least using wordings that heavily implied that idea. To me, that seems incredibly implausible. I’m willing to consider the idea, but it should be expected that untried ideas will be met with some degree of skepticism.

And if you really strongly believe something, you should want that idea to be subjected to skepticism. Skepticism is good. It is the basis for all valid scientific reasoning. The best way to make sure your beliefs are true is to try to disprove them.

I think this should be “Until we treat rape victims as victims of a crime instead of treating them as the criminals and prosecute rape as a serious crime we won’t stop them”.

Or even better, “Until our society stops treating women, children, and minorities as property of people who think that lesser beings not submitting to their whims is a crime, we won’t stop rape”.

I don’t believe incarceration actually prevents crime, just stops those who are caught for a limited time.


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