Photography project explores male entitlement and the female experience

I keep seeing the same ad. I have no idea why. Every time I visit, it’s that Calvin Klein (ugh) ad showing a naked woman having her buttock clenched by a dude. Once in a while it alternates to him being shirtless, not naked.

I’m sorry, but “it’s probably just Google” doesn’t fly. I can’t think of a single thing I’ve visited that would indicate to the Almighty All-Knowing Algorithm that I’m interested in Calvin Klein (ugh) fragrances.

Articulate as always.

I have ill feelings about “Male Tears!” and the traditional role of men, which is that Men Don’t Cry. Yeah, smash the patriarchy…by playing off of traditional gender roles. Well done. Perhaps you’d like to follow it up by asking one of the women who posts here if she’ll fetch you a sandwich, for being such a Nice Guy.

Say, aren’t you the guy who was joking about eating genocide victims on the white privilege thread?

Some people have earned multi-decade bans for less. I see you on every thread being insulting to anyone who dares disagree with your viewpoint, yet you’re still here. How is that?

Honestly, the only reason I find this, and similar things, offensive is because of conversations with my wife.

I’ve asked her before: do you have problems with people catcalling you? Her response: No. Never. It doesn’t happen.

I’ve asked her: have you had problems with people groping you? Her response, again, is no.

And then she said something that struck me like a bolt of lightning: “What does that say about me?”

Meaning, if this is a real phenomenon, she must be hideously unattractive, or otherwise found unworthy, to the kinds of men who treat women like this. And she’s not an unattractive person; if anything, part of the problem is that she just doesn’t notice when someone is mildly hitting on her, something that, going back to college, happened more than once when I was right there next to her.

And it made me wonder: when women say that all women suffer from these things, and we have these photos depicting an thin, attractive woman being groped in highly public situations, including office situations, what are we saying to the women who never experience this?

And for that reason, i feel offended; I know it sounds weird to call people out for excluding unattractive women from the “all women” camp, one of the things our society does is play off of women’s insecurities and try to amplify their insecurities about their physical appearance, but here we are. I’m not even sure I can articulate it properly, something I feel is necessary because there’s definitely a BoingBoing cabal who reads through these and says, “Boy howdy, what ill-worded turn of phrase in this can I take offense to and throw a fit about?”

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