Recent bannings and deletions

Yes. I agree. No threads. Threads are for people that can’t hold a a dozen conversations at once! WEAKLINGS!


Now I don’t like it anymore because you like it now.


I liked me before I was cool.


I still like you and always will. I just think you have poor taste in thread management.


Oh, you asked for it:


Broken Windows gets some criticism for enabling, or directly causing class-based or race-based discrimination.

In the context of community management thought leadership, how does one apply broken windows without resulting in the mods serially penalizing otherwise respectful commenters whose ideological alignment doesn’t neatly match the mainstream?


People always bring up this strawman, and I have never ever seen it happen in practice. There are zero communities I know of (that people would actually admit they go to, counter example Stormfront) where posts get censored based on their “ideological alignment”. Generally if you are not an ass about it, and not an obvious raging racist/sexist/jerk, you can say your piece. This is almost universally true. Even on The Internet.

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With regards to topic splitting, it is difficult since creating a new topic is more work than mindlessly slapping Yet Another Reply on the topic. And it is a fair bit of work for mods to go in and play amateur surgeon to extract the tangent into its own topic, too.

It is also an unfair comparison here since the only topics with heavy traffic are the ones originally linked from BB site posts. Once you split, you will get a fraction of the views as your topic is no longer linked from the parent site and blessed as the official “discussion”.

Anecdotally, there have been a lot more new new community-originated topics of late which is very encouraging! Long term that is exactly the point of all this, to build your own community space for happy mutants.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

It’s not a strawman if I am not trying to misrepresent your position.

If you say that it’s not a real concern, you are more familiar with mod activity than me, and I’ll take your word for it.

On that subject, a while ago I asked if there were a simple way to filter out the boing category other than logging in and muting it (and un-muting it when I was done.) Has anything changed since then? Is there some kind of URL I could bookmark?

You think it’s bad here, you should see the math forums. I go into to tell everyone about my opinion that π=4 and they just pushed me out.

On these forums I see posts with a lot of differing views, debating for more respectfully that I see anywhere else. Usually when someone claims it is an echo chamber in a thread I can find several distinct viewpoints. In one recent case I saw someone calling “echo chamber” regarding position X when three people were arguing for X and they and five others were arguing for Y. Without some kind of actual evidence, when someone calls “groupthink” or “echo chamber” it’s hard not to read it as, “some people disagree with me.”

I feel like this a fairly obvious to anyone who actually reads the variety of opinions that exist. People like to point to gun topic as hotbeds of acrimony, and I think they could be criticized for rehashing the same thing over and over, but honestly it’s hard to think of any opinion for or against gun control that hasn’t been expressed in the forums here, so it’s pretty hard to say that any opinion is being censored.


Abuse support forums would be the exception I can think of, but there are obvious reasons for that.

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I was proud of my “Nice Post” badges until I realized by inference that the rest of my posts weren’t very nice.

Now I have a couple “Good Post” badges, which tells me that even my “nice posts” weren’t particularly good.

Your positive feedback is turning the forum into a passive-aggressive dystopia.



What an idiot…not only are his fingers visible to those around the corner, they’re even moving, making them that much easier to see.

Guess I’m just aggressive today!


Shoot him!

Have you seen this movie? The last 30 minutes are set in a war zone, and the camera follows him as he attempts to move through it, and it’s intense. I bet if I were in that situation, you’d see my fingers too! :wink:


What’s the movie?

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Oh! Children of Men. It’s amazing… basically no children have been born for about 18 years… and the whole world has gone to shit. You have to see it.