Restaurant servers can't afford San Francisco rents so restaurants are going self-serve

A final solution, if you will.

Oh sure, if you want to look cheap. Those poor robots have little smartphones at home that need new cases.

Somebody hasn’t seen the best (or maybe second best) episode of the revived X-Files! Not tipping robots isn’t advised.


I’m paying $25 for a pizza, right now.

I’m wicked hungry.


second, and seconded.

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If it’s win/lose between you and your employees, you’ve already lost.


I would say with my expensive coke and hooker habit that I also don’t have, I’m doing okie dokie.

ETA just to clear away my snark a bit, I’m on the side of workers being paid fair wages.

The post you replied to was me trying to put myself in a employer’s shoes based on my interactions with a few outside of the restaurant industry, including my current boss who – when I was trying to get a raise in late-2016 – told me he was offended that I was trying to take credit for my accomplishments within the company when I should be thanking him for putting me in the position where I was able to accomplish those things. Not joking. The only thing keeping me here is my age and my debt, and I’m a few months away from clearing out all but my house payment. Knock on wood.

I have no employees, but if I did I would do everything I could to be equitable.

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Seriously, anything else the business could not afford, people would be screaming about how if you can’t afford it, maybe you shouldn’t be running a business, but somehow it’s okay to underpay your work force, “cause that’s just good business!”


If people can’t afford to pay a living wage, maybe they shouldn’t be in business. they don’t get their supplies or rent lowered if they can’t afford them, do they? Why is the cost of labor somehow immune to that logic?

[ETA] @KathyPartdeux makes the very same point to you above… not trying to pile on, I just replied before I read it all!


Ummm. Again. I don’t currently own a business, and when I did it wasn’t much of one and wasn’t a restaurant. I was speculating on a reason that went deeper than just “Greed”. But maybe that’s all there is to it.

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An old tradition:

your sheep that were wont to be so meek and tame, and so small eaters, now, as I heard say, be become so great devourers and so wild, that they eat up, and swallow down the very men themselves. They consume, destroy, and devour whole fields, houses, and cities.
Utopia, Thomas More- Datalinks

Not trying to attack you, BTW.

I think I’d argue it’s partially greed, but also partially the embrace of the capitalist set of ideologies that devalues labor as a mere commodity. It’s also about social power, where a business owner is considered to have a higher social status than a waged employee (vs. a salaried one).

And I wasn’t assuming you owned a business, either or necessarily supported underpaying employees. I do think it’s often overlooked that labor is often the first place business owners go to for cutting costs, and that mindset in many ways is cutting off your nose to spite your face. Business owners who don’t pay for other parts of their business (supplies and rents) are considered bad business owners, but those who facilitate a race to the bottom for labor costs are considered good business men… Personally, I see a major disconnect there.


This town is coming like a ghost town…


straw business with straw employees, selling straw

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A 2016 article I read says that’s $125 today.

Stabilized his workforce- enabled workers to buy his cars.


Thing is, those shoes you imagined, that was your imagination, too.

So, you’re just telling us about these employers you imagine and how you’re not responsible for what no-goodniks you imagine them to be?

No offense intended, but please don’t try and tell me you’re informing me about other people not named Pensketch! Strawmen always wind up looking just like their creator, to me. Who else could they look like?

I congratulate you on having a sunny outlook on what you would do, theoretically,and the vast gap between your actions and theirs (again, in theory). Allow me to pat you on the back also, so as you don’t strain an arm.

Have any stories about actual people? Those are really hard to blow holes in.

The same thing has been happening in Austin, Texas for quite some time.* This town is being loved to death.

Most of the working class here has been forced out by wave after gentrifying wave of hipsters, white collar workers, real estate speculators, people coming here for a taste of the good [if not expensive] life. Those employed in the service economy are living 8-10 people/house, or live on the geographic margins often an hour’s commute by car.


I can totally see this “rents are too damn up” problem happening in Austin. The City Council has a real estate tiger by the tail now, and they just can’t let go, gobblessem.

*Also: Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Washington; Vancouver, British Columbia; London of course; etc. as other posters here have pointed out.


You sir, are quite a pip.

I’m as responsible for my fictitious restaurant owner with the coke and hooker habit in the same way that any creator is responsible for his creations. It doesn’t make them me, or me them, any more than IT makes Stephen King a killer sewer-dwelling clown space spider monster. But I’m guessing you already know that.

Oh, please. Prefacing your statement with that phrase is quite disingenuous. Plus on so many levels you have offended me, as I’m sure you knew you would. Own your intentions and your offenses.


I really don’t get what you are trying to say there.

Don’t try and tell you… I’m informing you… about other people… not named Pensketch?

Are you talking about the story I told about when I asked my current boss for a raise? That wasn’t me telling you about someone that’s actually really me, or me making stuff up… that happened. But whatever, I guess.

Or is it because I used the personal pronoun of “I” in my made up restaurant thought exercise? If that’s it, I did that intentionally rather than using “you” which would put the person I was replying to (who was not you, Boris) in the spot as the owner and presupposing their positions on things which could have antagonized them, or going with “he” or “her” creating distance.

“If I was a restaurant owner that did not want to raise wages, what could my motives be?”

Along the lines of, “If I were a clown in a sewer, how would I lure kids close enough to eat them?”

If neither of those are what you’re talking about, you’ve really lost me.


What straw man are you talking about? I don’t know if you’re referring to my original comment, or specifically the one you are replying to; where I was replying to your out-of-nowhere comment to me of, “If it’s win/lose between you and your employees, you’ve already lost.”

I don’t support paying employees as little as you can possibly get away with while reaping the rewards of their labor at their expense.

Others in my personal experience, my current boss included, do.

Does that mean all bosses work this way? Not at all.

I was merely trying to – based on my life experiences, and considering employers I’ve dealt with in my past – conjecture as to what might be motivating them (as I said before). That’s not good enough for you, and now I must have some kind of… agenda? I really don’t know.

I congratulate you for making it clear to me that I’m a 2-dimensional person that you have entirely figured out, that if given the opportunity I would be just as horrible to my workers as other employers I’ve worked under have been to me, and that I’m not capable of being my own unique person; how dare I think I’m not horrible when I so obviously am (in theory). I would offer to pat you on the back as well, but then you would be patting my back while I’m patting yours and before you knew it we would be hugging.

No they aren’t. As has been proven time and time again in our alternative-facts world these days, anyone can blow holes in anything if they are motivated enough to do so.

Unless I were to name names, which I wouldn’t do, you would claim I was still making things up, so it’s nothing but a loss for me if I try. Much like the lesson of WarGames, “The only winning move is not to play.”

I really don’t know how I twisted your knickers so tight to bring this type of response from you. Hopefully I don’t do it again.

If I do, please don’t hesitate to call me on it. I promise next time I won’t rise to the bait. I’ll ignore you.

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