Retired couple loses £45k in neighbor fence feud

wait, wait, the householders with the plaza like driveway are arguing against the fence, and the householders with the precariously narrow driveway want the fence?

a mite bit greedy, don’t you think?

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This is why, both of the times I have been fortunate enough to be able to buy property to live on, if the realtor said, “Just so you know, there’s this one weird thing with this place…” Nope! Not getting out of the car to even look at it. I’m not interested in paying for the privilege to continue someone else’s blood feud. (It’s not clear that this was a known issue to either party in this particular story, but I’ve definitely seen a lot of listed properties with such known oddities and been assured, “It probably won’t be an issue, but…” It doesn’t take much to become an issue.)


““We bought it as a shared drive, that’s how it was explained to us and sold to us.””
I know zilch about British real estate law but here in the US, this stuff can be ascertained beforehand.
One does not trust, one verifies.
Place I have has a shared driveway and there’s an easement for both properties for the driveway’s use written into the deeds along with a property survey showing the boundaries.

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