Revenge porn shitweasel abuses DMCA in vain effort to take down his own photos

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

Awwwwwww. What’s that word I’m looking for? Ah, yes . . . “Diddums.”

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RIPPED FROM Trailpark Boys S4E01 Never Cry Shitwolf
“You remember the story of the little boy who cried wolf? In case you forgot, he was a little boy who cried for help because he said there was a wolf after him. Each time the people of the village came running, and each time there was no wolf. Eventually they got really tired of it. So when he calls for help because there’s a real wolf, nobody takes him seriously. Nobody comes, because nobody cares. Do you see where I’m going with this Jim? What we have here is a shitwolf. Do you know what a shitwolf is? You never seem to have that crucial little thing called evidence. But each time you cry shitwolf, and each time I come running. No more, Jim. Never again. Now, I want you to tell me what the moral of the story is.”

“Never cry shitwolf.”

“That’s right. Now get your sorry ass out of here or you’re spending the night in the drunk tank.”


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