Sanders and AOC team up for an anti-loansharking bill that will replace payday lenders with post-office banking

So do supporters! See, who says political agreement is impossible!


Critics of the bill say that it will put the payday lending industry out of business

And the downside to that is… ?


It’s a shame that our state & federal governments make us pay for our identification.


Kind of ironic that his admin would allow the collectors to bug him on his iPhone.

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Commission work. Here’s my summary of the Wiki articles I’ve been reading: He headed the first Hoover Commission under Truman, and the Second Hoover Commission during Eisenhower’s presidency. I think I was wrong to say he served in the Eisenhower administration. Truman appointed the first commission, but Congress appointed the second one. Both commissions focused on administrative changes to the federal government. Seems like the first commission may have consolidated power in the executive.

Kennedy also tried to appoint Hoover to do stuff, but Hoover was very old and declined those offers.

Related but irrelevant, Hoover’s son was under secretary of state for Eisenhower, and was often acting secretary due to Dulles’ health problems.

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