Science figures it out: "social media’s addictive loop compels users to share mindlessly"

Damned right!

God creatives are in a bind.

Imagine a society where the impulse to create and share with other humans, the instict to build communities around that, is seen as an exploitable psychological defect and a moral failing? Now stop imagining… we’re here.

Analysis like this just basically re-affirms that all human creativity is directly under attack. It’s literally being pathologized now and yet how the hell are you supposed to make and share and sell and collaborate while avoiding social media!?

:fire:L :fire: M :fire: F :fire: A :fire: O :fire:

The problem is the architecture is only there to force feed “content” down the gullets of “consumers” so that they’ll get mentally damaged from the abuse and buy whatever random shit gets shoved in their faces… and creatives, creatives are SOL.

I don’t believe any of this was really designed with a desire to nourish human connections and promote the work of individuals.

Social media is not a reflection of the essence of humanity because what we are seeing in its chambers is a distorted humanity in a cage being slowly tortured to death for a small profit per head.