Seriousness and sincerity: how to tell jesters from trolls

Where does Maurice go?



Your mom’s house? :wink:


Squares are a construct of the neo-Euclidean rectangularchy. We should be using Venn diagrams.


A Companion Cube has more weight.

Nope, on this forum (almost unique on the 'net) no, you should not feel the need to belabour that point. It’s a thing, a historical thing, that had and has context, and that’s OK, and most of us here are OK with that.
We also mostly don’t have a problem with the prose of Mark Twain where he described Huckleberry Finn’s raft-mate.

That’s nice, I think. Especially in this thread of wonderful things mocking trollies and their trollies.

[insert some stolen quote about stealing the power from a bully by knowing it’s OK to laugh at them]


Well yeh, but that’s because most of the posters here are closet cryptonazis.

You know who you are.


Sounds serious, yet feels insincere.
:smirk: Yup, the spotters guide works!


I did alright myself, the guy giving me the test not so much. Maybe he shouldn’t have taken the job if he didn’t like the result, is what I think.


:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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Right, because is someone has a different view of things, it’s so much easier to call them a name than it would be to deal with or ignore them. If we can label them a troll, then we can judge them and show ourselves to be superior. Thanks paper chart.


Applause for you, because it happens all too often.

Now, that’s not to say that some people don’t accurately fit the definition of the word trolley; sadly, there’s a surplus of individuals that do.

But having a mere difference of opinion doesn’t just automatically mean that someone is driving trollies; intent matters, and I guess that’s where the concept of “sincerity” comes in.

The troll/square part is inspired, but I’m struggling to match the worm/jester shift to anything in my experience. Could you point to any public (or fictional) examples of the dynamic, just to clarify what you have in mind?

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Yes the chart is bullshit.

It’s about as useful as this handy video for how to spot communists.

Certainly don’t blame the ‘troll’ for you being trolled. That’s all you.

Which is the beauty of the art of trolling. When the mob gets their torches and pitchforks, the troll is just getting started. The mob turns on itself and blames the troll for causing it, blames the troll for all the pitchfork holes and the smouldering burned down chat channels.

What happened? Did the troll make you do it?

No. Quit being baitable, act like adults. Mods figure it out. Walking away from it is all that’s required.

And yet… why do they still happen?

Mob mentality and the madness of crowds. If you could just all bind your little sticks together into a big one you could finally club the trolls to death.

Wake up fascist sheeple!

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