Shining light on the shadowy, "superhuman" state-level Equation Group hackers

Sorry, over my head, I had to google the name, and recalled I read his book years ago, before I got into comp sec.

The quote that was in response to:
“information given to the listener who almost invariably takes the lies all the more seriously because it involved so much work to obtain and they believe the surveillance methods are hidden safe.”

For me that is one of the most interesting considerations in these ongoing state based hacks. What intelligence was gained from these surveillance methods, and when did Russia really detect this going on? Did they feed the US damaging disinformation through their surveillance systems which the US took as bona fide truth?

And vice versa, when it is the other way around.

'if you are near, appear far; if small, appear large; if many, appear few… war is deception" paraphrase sun tzu.

What actions did the US take from this intelligence that was true, and what actions did they take based on false information they gullibly believed?

Hope it wasn’t “we just spoke to Saddam and he confirmed he is moving the nukes we sold him” level of action… lol…

Anyway, not an area of thought of most comp sec people, that is “what do you do with your hacked systems once you got them”, or “if you are hacked, and know you are being surveilled, what hands do you play” – for whatever reasons.

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preaching to the choir, misinformation campaigns are the most fun. :slight_smile: not that i have ever, ever been on the level of the people we are talking about. and unfortunately unless you or i start wearing a bunch of stars (and i get a haircut) we will probably never know what was taken on true/falsified intel.



Ah, heh… not so sure this strain of news stories won’t get more interesting. But that is what it is for me. An interesting story. Did this beat out for me other news stories or fictional shows and movies? No. Enjoying John Wick much more, and the last episode of Constantine was surprisingly good. Looks like they finally saw that watering it down was a ratings disaster. Hopefully, not too late.

Supernatural horror and fantasy is much more along my interest lines.

I am actually not admiring of clever diabolical behavior with such a imagined interchange between those nations, I think, but for me, I look for, in a story, interesting displays of power and power struggles. Who won, who got devastated, how bad was it.

Anyway, nice talking to you, some interesting input.

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Der Spiegel published a bunch of them as I recall. Check Bruce Schneier’s website for links, for quite a while he was picking one item a week from the NSA’s internal exploit tool catalog and discussing its significance.

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