Stop to take a photo on a Las Vegas Strip pedestrian bridge and pay a $1,000 fine—or go to jail for six months

can’t take pictures while standing on public property? yeah, that law ain’t gonna fly.


Stopping to TAKE a photo, or stopping to POSE for a photo/video? Wannabe Influencers can be real SOBs when it comes to a scan venue.

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With noncontact payment systems, why even stop? :face_vomiting:


They should really ban cars from that whole thoroughfare and move them a few blocks away. It’s easily populous enough to be a pedestrian-only zone, with maybe a lane for shuttles and another for bikes.


One of the best hustles on the strip is buy a brick of bottled water and sell it on the bridges for $2 a bottle. Bottled water in any casino is $5+ unless you are gambling, so it’s really a bargain. The person selling the water is quadrupling their money as well.

So ya, I guess the homeless and buskers can be in the way, but my money is to be able to stop this hustle and sell water in the desert more easily.


You’re giving me flashbacks to working in Atlantic City and trying to navigate the Boardwalk during peak tourist season. :grimacing: It’s 24’ wide, and still a challenge because of people who are walking along at a similar pace one moment, but might stop dead in front of you for no apparent reason. :woman_shrugging:t4: Don’t get me started about the ones who walk against the flow of foot traffic…even these guys get with the program:

Seagull GIF


What the designers planned for:


No, no designer bro! You’ve got a random crowdsourced Mr. & Mrs.Everywhere (despite the name, there were probably same options, and an AI that makes them look Just Like You), possibly drinking, and they want to stop and share. Or just stop, who knows?


So photos are ok as long as you’re walking the whole time. And if you’re elderly, infirm, or just need to rest for a second, f**k you? Got it.


Look, you’ve not supposed to “go” anywhere in Las Vegas, let alone walk there.
You are supposed to check into your hotel, enter their casino, and spend all your money.


As someone with a bum knee that sometimes goes out on me and I require a moment to stop and stabilize, do some flexing to test trying not to put too much weight on it, I will absolutely avoid risking being a pedestrian here.


Heck, it’s fairly obvious that this will be applied unevenly from the start. Older white films in nice clothes will be allowed to rest, but younger people out having a nice time will be fined.


Has no one read the original article?

its “pedestrian flow zone ordinance" isn’t meant to target street performers or people who stop to take pictures, but rather to increase public safety by ensuring a continuous flow of pedestrian traffic across the bridges

“Isn’t meant to” and “how it actually works” are two different things.

How do you ensure a continuous flow when there’s people stopping? What’s stopping this from being enforced unequally, because you know it will be.


… the number of places that “don’t accept cash” is creeping inexorably upward :thinking:

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The purpose of something is what it does, not what its marketing copy says.


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