Subreddit mocks cultural gatekeepers

I’m hip to the Jew Fro, and yes; that grade of hair would probably lock up decently. (Again, see Thorgy Thor.)

The problem is that it’s often folks who do not have the requisite ‘coil’ are often the ones attempting to co-opt a hairstyle that does not suit them, aesthetically.


When people talk about appropriation they’re mostly talking about the harmful aspects of it. Otherwise you edge into bitching about any sort of cultural exchange. Basically cultural pollution. At which point your preserving Nazi cultcha n Hur-tage.

Gatekeeping is a different concept. Though as Rob points out it it can touch on a lot of the same stuff or behaviors. Keeping “some people” out of your preferred subject often goes hand in hand with denying their contributions to that subject or the validity of their interest in it.

Otherwise I think you’re on the right track. It’s just your chosen examples are less about what’s usually refered to as appropriation than they are examples of individual artists re-using or referencing history and the work of others. There’s little or no harm there as you point out. But the similar example of say. Disney’s Song of The South. And the Uncle Remus tales it’s based on. Repackaging African American folktales (with both African and Native American roots) without reference to their proper context, root, attributed to a white writer. And swathed in negative Black stereotypes. Just might be harmful/negative.

The difference is contextual but its there.


This thread of replies is rapidly approaching being off-topic, as well as veering into theology, of which I am ill-equipped to respond, so I’ll finish with the following amendment to my original statement on appropriation:

Appropriating cultural ideals or norms may or may not affect the original culture, and it may do so positively or negatively if it does in the long run. Despite this, I believe it’s the original culture’s right to choose to respond how they choose to those doing the appropriation, accepting the consequences, and the right of the appropriator to act as they wish, accepting the consequences.

However, neither has the right to resort to authoritarianism or violence to suppress the other.


So it’s funny you said this. Last Exile is one of my absolute faves, and the follow-up, Fam of the Silver Wing, is actually quite good. Except I can’t make it past like the first 6 episodes, and I’ve tried many times. I think I enjoyed Last Exile soooo much, I’m afraid to be disappointed! But I’m going to give it a shot again, now that you’ve kindly reminded me. :slight_smile: I’m also working on Noein, which is RAD, especially if you like multidimensional esoteric shit.

But admin it, most of them are teenagers, and teenagers are stupid. Maybe some 20-somethings, and I’d say the same, but slightly less. :wink:




If Scots can’t wear dreads, then we’re taking our tartans back.

And hand over that Scotch and nabody gets hurt!


Obviously from the clan of the McChippendales.


Fun fact the Celt depicted is likely to be from what is today Turkey .

So Chippendale-zade? I dunno how Turkish naming conventions work.

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From work by Angela Melick


Can confirm. I used to have really long hair and it was essentially unmanageable because of my Jew fro migrating to Jew dreds at a moment’s notice.

I’ve lived my life folically challenged stuck with my dad’s bad hair genes. Now I’m in my 30s with male pattern baldness and I find it easier to just keep my hair cut really short. Certainly not for lack of wanting luxuriantly long locks.


LOL you ARE a good Archon. :wink:



Nice alliteration, there.

And while I love my girl, Cyndi, c’mon now:


I’m a geek. Just doing my job. :smile:


The way that subreddit gathers together so many diverse examples, you can really see the common mental thread. I like this thing, and I’ve been on a journey with it, so I feel like it’s part of my identity, and the way I assert that is to attack neighboring cultural micro-territories. Also, because I sense that my chosen territory is slightly pathetic in its narrowness, I’m going to be extra aggressive about that.

I see this as one of the things that makes me paradoxically hopeful about the internet’s ultimate effect on society. We’re becoming intensely literate about the ways people can be assholes about trivial stuff, and that’s not an enjoyable process, but it means that in 50 years’ time the average person will have a much better grasp of how and why (for example) patriotism causes war. Since, you know, patriotism is just a higher-stakes version of being a dick about your preferred games console.


What’s a “Scottsman”?

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I am white so any opinion I have will be shouted down (Justly or not YMMV.) However my opinion is everything used to be somebody else’s culture. I mean fine ‘eskimo girls’ donning stereotypical parkas and shit on facebook is poor taste. Ditto with ‘indian’ culture (as if it were monolithic. God I feel bad for the guy that played chakotey on Voyager, turns out the ‘advisor’ was a fraud. GEE who’d have thunk it rite?)

On the other hand if another culture has something positive I’m all for remixing and mashup.

The problem is figuring out if someone using a thing is just being cutsie/degrading or if it’s from a place of wanting to incorporate out of respect.

And because it’s still Black History Month, I feel the need to post some aesthetically pleasing examples of Afrocentric Locks:






I’d say it’s much higher odds we all die in nuclear oblivion inside of 4 years, but I like your vision, and agree to the premise. :slight_smile: