Substack CEO grilled by Nilay Patel on the topic of explicitly racist content

For me, a good framing of this same idea came from my anthropology friends. Communities have always had rules. Since we were sitting around fires in caves, we had social rules. Don’t be a dick, or you get kicked out of the cave. Or exiled from the village. Or whatever. Rules for social behaviour are how we got here. It’s why we’re here flying in airplanes and spaceships and nothing else is. Because we build communities and those communities have rules to ensure they function well.

This tech bro idea that somehow you can create the biggest community of all and have no rules just because it’s online is patently ludicrous.

People usually ascribe our success to our technology which came from our big brains. That’s a factor, sure, but there are other animals probably just as smart as us, and certainly ones with as big a brain. It’s because we’re social and cooperative that we won. Our technology comes from that, not the other way around.