Survey: corporate execs vastly overestimate customers' satisfaction

This is the SNAFU Principle in action.

customers vastly overestimate corporate execs’ empathy range.

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The only way to win is to not play the game. If you mash 0 or say “operator” enough they will kick you to a rep to direct the call. Cursing into the IVR helps too - they algorithm detects an unhappy customer and sends you sooner.

Not always. Some systems literally won’t recognize that, at least until you’ve already gone most of the way down the phone tree maze.

I have one doctor’s office that reads out a length blurb including their address, a list of the doctors, and other things before starting to give the numerical options. I also have one credit card company that reads out a full account summary before giving any options. Those make it even worse. “I think I remember needing #4 last time, should I just press it and hope for the best?”

Just as an fyi - sometimes if you pause a few seconds into the recording you can do the dial tones w/o waiting for the extensions to be listed.

Oh definitely. I just have a terrible memory for which options are which, so it often doesn’t help me.

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