Survey finds high levels of harassment in multiplayer games, as well as white supremacist recruiting attempts

Oh…I personally could run MC and BWL every single day if it reset daily…BUT…that is now and doing it solo, because I can as a 120 Hunter with 400+ gear without issue. It’s fun, and a great gold maker.

BUT, again…people do not remember what it was like 40 man raiding and trying to get all the buffs needed and coordinate that many people. And it won’t scale! So you won’t be able to do it with 10 because it scales down as a flex raid. NOPE you will need 35 or more at least.

God what a pain in the ass it was.

And to bring it back slightly to the topic…the absolute vitriol 39 other players would drop on that one asshat who would stand in the fire or pull Ragnaros before everyone was ready or would be the bomb and run into the raid instead of out on Baron…now that was harassment that was at least deserved


ha! YES, omg. i remember the hassle of getting that many people together. (even 20 was a challenge!) yeah, the toxicity has always been there in one form or another. but i think “raiding frustration rage” is a different beast than the current chat windows that can get filled with all sorts of bile from trolls and haters of all stripes. that’s why i prefer my guild’s chat or just whispering people one-on-one. it’s a much more pleasant game when you don’t have nazis or what have you to contend with.

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Dear Lord, so much this.


If they’re not slinging racial slurs, homophobic insults or sexist rants, they’re screaming at you because you’re a noob (i.e. an employed adult or any other person who has a life beyond playing that one specific game 24/7). I remember getting kicked from a group once because I didn’t know how to do an exploit that let you hide in a specific area and avoid damage- they were mad at me because I couldn’t cheat well enough! These gaming communities are absolutely closed off to outsiders, whether that means someone who hasn’t devoted their life entirely to that particular game, women, trans people, older people, minorities, whatever. I’m not surprised that it’s easy to transform that existing hateful clannishness into something more dangerous.

I no longer even bother playing multiplayer games of any sort unless it’s a private game with a group of friends I know and trust- because many of the games are still fun, it’s the toxic community that ruins them. I play a lot of (mostly single player) video games, but I’d hesitate to call myself a “gamer” anymore, partly because it automatically conjures up an image of a person with almost completely opposite interests and behavior, and partly because the current AAA video game industry seems to cater exclusively towards multiplayer games that foster that toxic environment (to say nothing of other corrosive practices like microtransactions, loot boxes, day-one DLC, preorder scams for games that haven’t been completed and thoroughly tested, etc.)


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