Term Limits for US Congress?

I apologize if that’s how it reads, that was not my intent. I thoroughly enjoy your contribution across all BBS topics and value that your perspective and frame of reference is very different than mine. I have learned lots and seen things in ways I had not appreciated before.

I also apologize that I responded more to general Term Limit as a solution topics than you were specifically talking about.

That’s exactly how it reads.


I’m actually sorry that what I wrote conveyed the wrong intent. Not just sorry that you you dislike what wrote.

If we search past posts, I’ve probably written stuff you like, stuff you don’t like, and stuff you’re ambivalent about. That’s all fine, that’s communication and discussion.

Clearly, we’re not communicating clearly on this particular thread. That in what I wrote, I conveyed a message I did not intend. That’s on me.

I’m fine if you don’t like something I say. It’ll happen. May even happen a lot. But it should be civil and certainly not dismissive.

I get that this is the internet and a politics discussion. Where a non-apology of “I totally meant that and am only sorry that you don’t like it” is the norm. That is NOT what I’m saying. I am sorry that I conveyed the wrong message. That’s on me, not you. I’m the one typing after all.

EDIT: And now, after hitting post and all the notifications went out. I just realized the poster is different too. That’s also on me to reply to one person thinking it’s another. Clearly not a good day. I’m going to leave the message, since all those notifications went out and I dislike when that happens and all the content disappears then.

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