The Gallery of Trump-Inspired Assholes (Part 1)

I’m sooo not clicking on that.


CNN just did a sick burn when they showed this picture noting how with the exception of 45 and Mini Me, everybody has been ousted:


I’m left angry that I did. It’s beyond nonsense from a “nurse” helping people doomsday prep better.

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Oh for FUCK SAKE. For all his faults including expansionism and incessant warmongering, if Teddy were alive today he would be regarded as a bleeding heart liberal pinko socialist commie cuck by the right. Many of his politics were incredibly progressive for the time.

Maybe Pence just thinks of Roosevelt’s “zero fucks given” attitude and said, yup, boss man is just like this! Two peas in a pod!


Satisfying though it may be, the walls crashing down around 45 aren’t enough; I need something to take Pence down too.

I prefer “Toast can’t never be bread again”; that way, it doesn’t insinuate that I approve of or have ever even considered goat-fucking.


Hey look! Even gawd is leaving trump:

“Member of Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board resigns over ‘conflict in values’”



Okay…it started to burn even before one minute elapsed. Really disliking that Enid Strict vibe (Dana Carvey’s Church Lady).

I have a friend in VA who’s verrry liberal, but still has those same conversational pauses. Does everyone in VA talk like that?

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Hahahahahaha! gasp HahahahaHAHAHAhaha! gasp hahahahaha thud




Maury Povich could do a show on that.

“You are NOT the Master Race!”


I’d tune in for that! Although someone already beat him to it!


Blurred for extreme offensiveness.


Holy shit that is amazing in the worst way, I didn’t think the bar of Charlottesville could be lowered anymore - and by the cowardly organizer who was the forefront of “we were just a friendly neighborhood torch-wielding mob.”

His account is gone now too.


What’s better is literally every right-wing outlet went to bat on this guy’s reputation. Even Fox News wrote a puff piece that talked about how the left forced him into hiding.


Notice how this one also gets him coverage for his claims of persecution? “I’ve been under a crushing amount of stress and death threats”.


No, it doesn’t. Most likely if he did get sued he’d have free legal representation, lose, and then the settlement will be lost to a scrutiny because he is only preaching to his choir anyways. Even O’Keefe is damaging right wing brands because someone is still willing to throw him money. Each release is smaller and smaller and easier and easier to refute. That funding is he real problem in the end.


Not to mention Twitter is being scrubbed because of the almighty dollar, and tech has finally responded to things like Gab to stop enabling as much of this shit. They are even moderating /pol/ for content instead of just rule violations or spam. Shit like this has a lasting sting, and ruins the work of the crying Nazi or Steve Bannon and their manipulation and memes.

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Where did getting sued and James O’Keefe come into it?

Well, what he said could easily be used by victims of violence at the rally to demonstrate the intent of the rally was violence. So the cover-up of “I was on drugs!” still exposes him for things like that which is what I thought you meant as far as covering his ass went.

O’Keefe has paid out hundreds of thousands of (donated) dollars to the people he has taped, and while he is still around his impact has gone from creating congressional task forces to barely making it onto Fox News at all.

There are amazing propagandists in the far-right, but every idiot that gets a big name that sucks at it undoes a lot more of their effort in a single tweet like than a Jason Kessler ever added to their cause.

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