The Gallery of Trump-Inspired Assholes (Part 1)

Jimmy Kimmel has been a powerful critic of the overhaul plan, prompting this response:



Assange making his loyalties increasingly obvious:

Looks like he deleted his earlier white-genocide / feminism-is-destroying-Europe post, though.


The irony meter in my brain pinged so hard it gave me a fucking concussion. Christ I hope he steps on a lego.


A whole fucking playset of them.


That is a very charming Curse.



Note: the bit summarised in the Onebox is the fascist’s bullshit. It was deliberate.




I don’t have the technical background to comment. It involves Google AMP.

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I also lack the tech background, but I do remember techie folks complaining that AMP had blatant security holes.

I don’t know where else I would put this, but after making the big, fat mistake of checking facebook today, I totally went off on most of my high school graduating class today on the topic of their whining about National Anthem protests in comparison to USA’s context of slavery, genocide, and all-out war of attrition against Native American, African, and Latinx people.

Oh, and I wished for a pox on all their houses.

I’m probably not invited to the next reunion.

A recap of pissing off my classmates:

(To the complaint about the protest and many cheers of support) Well, I guess I’m the odd man out.
Respectfully, my rebuttal…

The protest is not ignorant. I believe many atheletes are finally waking up to the message that Kaepernick began to bring to our attention. Why should minorities, especially African-Americans, show reverence to a symbol that to this day represents such a vile, contemptible, and hypocritical stance about the humanity of non-white people. The brutal and forceful act of slavery morphed into the brutal and forceful act of Jim Crow laws morphed into our current brutal and forceful situation of planned/gated communities, planned/gated politics, and a planned/gated economy designed to keep out “undesireables” (i.e. black, brown, muslim, etc.), propped up by wage inequality, educational inequality, directed and concentrated attacks in the legal and economic systems meant to ostracize, dehumanize, subvert (and even incarcerate and kill) minorities and their human and inalienable right to have and own property, have an equal footing, and further the causes of their own people because they were once property themselves?
And you want people like Kaepernick to be able to protest “but not like that”. I’m sorry, but fuck that noise. In general, the USA hasn’t done squat to make up for centuries of rape, pillage, and genocide against true Native Americans, Africans, or Latinx, and still only permits inclusion or upward mobility if, and only if, they “play nice”. Until we TRULY grant respect and inclusion to minorities, they don’t owe us a modicum of respect in return.

Kaepernick and the others are protesting in a manner that, yes, really gets under your skin. It infuriates you. It riles you up. And that’s why it’s so damn effective. It’s intended to get you to reflect on your life in relation to your context in this world, and yet so many of you are still too ignorant, self-absorbed, or just plain stupid to get it. Many of you graduated from university, but you seem to have left your critical thinking skills behind.
Any form of waffling on the issues of racism falls squarely on the side of being racist.

Racism is inherently a YES/NO, BLACK/WHITE, WRONG/RIGHT situation. There is NEVER any MAYBE, NEVER any GREY, NEVER any ONLY IN CERTAIN INSTANCES kind of racism.

A pox on all your houses.

A little illustrative point…

“Hey Jesus/Mohammed/Buddha, would you mind not being so uncooperative? You’re really inconveniencing us over here.”

At this point a woman who has respected me for decades tried to read me the riot act about respect for veterans of the armed forces. My reply…

I believe most NFL players are aware of the sacrifice.

My uncle was sent into a military action that never should have occurred, came home scarred with one eye and riddled with serious burns from direct exposure from Agent Orange. I am fully aware of his sacrifice also, because at that time, service was not solely on a volunteer basis. He became a preacher, and was a good man. I’m pretty darn sure he would say he fought for everybody’s right to express themselves as they saw fit, especially since he came out as homosexual years later.
What are the players doing to help the people they care about? A few days ago, Kaepernick has passed $900,000 of his million dollar pledge despite not earning an NFL paycheck.
White privilege doesn’t recognize white privilege because we, as white people haven’t been on the receiving end of the whip for centuries. Or in recent months, tasers, pistols, and assault rifles.
Lisa, I think you know me well enough to know that I’m not saying this to be talking out of my own butt. WE are the problem.



Yep. Those NASCAR folks are all about their flags.


I think something is starting to happen.

I was in traffic this AM. And I got in front of someone. Didn’t even cut him off, signalled, but I wasn’t allowed to apparently. He (shocking it’s a he, huh) spent the next 5 minutes yelling progressively threatening insults at me and trying to get around me - to the point of telling me he would put a bullet between my eyes today. I told him to eat a bag of dicks and asked him if he kissed his mother with that mouth, and took his picture.

As he drove away, with me laughing at him as he got more and more out of hand, and started aggro-ing at others he might intimidate, I saw the #deplorable sticker on the back bumper.

They’re really about to pop over this NFL thing, while Puerto Rico withers…


Quite an eventful morning!

What does your bumper sticker say?



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The working class left are also pretty damned close to the limits of their tolerance.

For example, this thread:

That’s a very mild example.


The real irony is I was on the way to visit my parents final resting place.