The Kids Are Alright

That’s 1000x the worth of any crappy chatbot.


These mid-19th century kids were alright, helping to get Lincoln into the White House.


Very interesting, thanks!

(I must say, reading “a paramilitary organization cultivated by the Republican Party” here and now made my skin crawl.)


Takes courage, to call out the Pope so publicly:


Hate to be the one to throw cold water on this, but a significant number of drownings are not “thrashing” drownings but silent, where the victim assumes what looks like a crucifixion posture and slowly slips under the water. Not that this is not a useful invention, but my fear is adults trusting it too much. Kids in a pool unsupervised is always a very, very bad idea. AI lifeguards cannot replace an alert adult. Maybe as an emergency last resort, but not something to be relied upon to keep the kids safe while the grown-ups are not watching.

Child Drowning: Signs to Watch for and How to Prevent It (
A drowning child usually can’t call out. Instead of flailing her arms, she might use them to try to push up on the water’s surface, which can look like normal playing. (Babies and younger toddlers might not move their arms much or at all.)

Here are some signs your child is in distress in the water:[[2]](javascript:void(0))

  • Head low in the water with the mouth at or below water level. (Very young babies may keep their heads down or not move their heads at all.)
  • Head tilted back with mouth open
  • Glassy or empty-looking eyes
  • Eyes wide open or shut tightly
  • Hair hanging over forehead or eyes
  • Body in a near-vertical position, with little or no leg movement
  • Attempting to swim but making little or no forward progress
  • Gasping or hyperventilating
  • Near (or at) the bottom of the water
  • Attempting to roll over onto her back

If you see any of these signs, remove your child from the water immediately.


Theres a video out there from Bondi (I think) showing a child drowning while unaware bathers play close by and swim right past the struggling child. The lifeguard recognized the signs and plunged in to make the rescue to the puzzlement of those only a few feet away


Yeah, that was coming from quite a few years of lifeguarding experience. Never did see a thrashing drowning for real, although lots of panicky kids who thought they were drowning. Pulled a few out who just went very still. Scary sight from the chair.


Oh sure, there are lots of problems, but there’s a smart motivated Grade 8’er that’s on the case. :+1:

Even if this idea doesn’t pan out, he’s on a good path, hopefully inspiring other young people.



Transgender people can be baptised, Vatican says

](Transgender people can be baptised and be godparents, Vatican says)


Pope says priests can bless same-sex couples

](Pope says Roman Catholic priests can bless same-sex couples)

My opinion? Those are Vatican business decisions. The church needs followers to survive.


Motive aside, and I suspect you are correct, it’s a win. Won’t affect me or mine, but there are those where it will make life easier.


The idea for the bill was raised in 2022 by a then 15-year-old high schooler from Normal, Ill., named Shreya Nallamothu, who wasn’t even a creator herself. A few years earlier, she had seen a resurfaced video by vloggers The LaBrant Fam (12.9 million YouTube followers) in which a couple played an April Fools’ prank on their daughter by telling her they were giving their dog away, and filmed her reaction. “It made me really upset, because she’s obviously too young to really understand the ramifications of what’s being done to her,” Nallamothu says.


Online content with kids is so sketchy. Even with the kid-centered content kii-kitten likes, I find myself watching and wondering if the kids are being treated well. Luckily, kii-kitten has solid emotional intelligence and empathy and gravitates away from anything where a kid appears genuinely distressed. Which means it’s all super cheesy acting distressed for the dramatic stuff.

Good on Shreya Nallamothu for recognizing the emotional abuse in that video and deciding to do something.


Ralston honored Drake for his bravery and rapid response with a Citizen Service Award on July 17 — which, coincidentally, was Drake’s 11th birthday. Officials also gave him a hat and a T-shirt, plus four tickets to an Atlanta Braves baseball game.

“We wanted to do something for him because he not only saved his life and his grandfather’s life, but also some motorists’ lives,” Ralston said. “This kid is a hero, no doubt.”