The story of "Lenny" -- a chatbot designed to make telemarketing unprofitable

If only. AI would be a huge step up from 0I, and it would have a purpose specifically designed for the greater good.

With the right company – say, Wells Fargo (saw them mentioned after I started replying) – you don’t even need the ethereal concept.

Thinking that we are safe at any speed on the current ride is willful ignorance. None of today’s shit is designed to benefit or protect the people. Look at the proliferation of EULAs that people (myself included) breeze past as fast as possible, if we are forced to even look at it at all. Satan alone knows what all we’ve agreed to.

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I get your point of view and agree. But I also do not know what life is like for the people that take these jobs, nor do I know what they are being told. On a couple of occassions i have explained to foreign scammers that what they are doing is wrong and taking advantage of people that don’t understand what they are doing. They didn’t seem to care, so screw them I guess.

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Ha! We have similar things here, but they don’t work, because big businesses have drilled all sorts of holes into the law, and because the real scumbags don’t care whether your number is on some kind of list. They’re already spoofing the source of the call, so there’s nothing you can do about them at all. No way to reach them, no way to make them pay for what they’re doing. The best we can hope for is making their employees miserable, and that’s obviously not satisfactory.

If we really wanted to fix this, the telephone companies themselves would have to be involved in tracing back the source of spoofed information, and filing criminal charges against people who misuse trunk-side connections. That’ll never happen. The people who do this make too much money, and the telcos make money off of them, and the politicians are paid to make sure everyone makes money. So there’s no incentive to do it.

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Yes, but there would certainly be a tipping point where the “hot list” becomes so full of chatbots and jerks wasting your time that it is no longer worth anything to anybody, and the business model would cease to be profitable.

Now, maybe the number of gullible-old-people so far outweighs the number of internet-smart-asses that we have no hope of reaching said tipping point, but it sure is fun to try.

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