The terrible power of plastic is that it quickly becomes useless but never goes away

The difference is these things are far more recyclable.

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or something ending in -sarcoma or -ioma


I’m not sure why people think a “government-less” society is possible. There will always be at some level a group of people banding together to achieve some goal. (small print, not all goals are as benevolent to the masses as others)

I have no idea why mardi gras beads need to have tons of lead in them, but there’s so much, they can measure higher levels of it in the soil right along the procession routes.


“The planet appears to be covered in a single vast symbiotic hyrological colony, but there’s a terrible anthracioma growing on it and it shits plastic”


I love plastic and the cool and very useful - even essential, things that are made with it. Think what your life would be like without things made of plastic or containing plastic components. What if all of the plastic and related synthetic materials in hospitals, schools, motor vehicles and other tech suddenly evaporated?

It’s a very bad thing when people use it and dispose of it frivolously, and it ends up in places it shouldn’t. I wouldn’t want to live without it though.

Since we’re doing plastic trivia, some early plastics were made from milk.

And real linoleum comes from linseed oil.


I’ve seen - with my own eyes - machines converting plastic back into oil. The problem is that you lose money on it, since new plastic is a byproduct of gasoline production and thus essentially subsidized by your car use.

If we eliminated petroleum fuels, we’d conserve a vast quantity of amazing lubricants and other non-fuel petroleum compounds, and also it would become economically viable to make plant-based plastics, which are carbon-neutral as @redesigned pointed out.

I personally believe that the continuing sponsorship of oil companies by governments and the populace (every time you get that happy meal toy, you “voted with your dollars”) is the greatest threat to humanity in the present era, worse than the threat of fundamentalist religion, worse than the threat of nuclear armageddon.

As money continues to consolidate in fewer and fewer hands, it becomes less and less possible for the 99% to make a difference by changing their daily behavior - but for now, if you still can, whenever you can, buy local - and buy non-plastic. Wooden toys are better than plastic ones for your kids anyway.


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