The wild west of DOS graphical user interfaces before Windows overwhelmed all of them

Oh how I loved Xtree

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I remember being very unimpressed with windows vs other, more stripped down file management software because of what a memory hog it was. Windows 2.xx nigh unusable. But then I remember thinking that it was a waste of money when my boss put a hard drive on my desktop. Hundreds of dollars to cut a few minutes loading the operating system every morning which was time I spend doing other starting up the day tasks anyway.

I was a Commodore Amiga kid, so this was my world, before Windows.

And the precursor to the dreaded Windows blue screen was way cooler.


Cool. I think I tried that one too. Norton had a cool left/right compare and add what’s missing that isn’t in the image. Gives me flashbacks of trying to get games to run on my 486dx. Tweaking Autoexec.bat, Config.sys. Just getting games to work was hours of tweaks and reboots.

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It’s still around for Linux as Midnight Commander

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There’s an open source version for Android as well called “Ghost Commander”. It’s my go-to file management app on my phone.

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