and that jellyfish technically isn’t a spider
There are many dangers in cave diving, but silty water is one of them. Don’t panic, or else you won’t be able to see.
I promise you, I will start panicking long before I get anywhere near the water.
Spelunking combined with cave-diving is like the undisputed winning entry in a contest to come up with a “sport” that combined the largest possible number of horrifying ways to have a fatal accident. You can drown. You can fall off things. You can be crushed! Asphyxiated! Trapped! You can take a wrong turn and never be seen again! You can get hypothermia! In the dark!
I’m honestly surprised that they didn’t manage to fit “juggling live cobras on motorized roller skates” in there somehow.
Long-term, histoplasmosis from H. capsulatum in bat guano.
I took my kids on a road trip down the east coast from Brisbane to Melbourne with the goal of stopping at as many beaches as we could. On the day we all got stung (bluebottles) all I had in the car was the picnic/condiment box and had to treat our stings with balsamic vinegar.
Most middle class first aid ever.
Edited to clarify stung by bluebottle.
And it’s a completely different continent.
And turned out very neat for a bit of gunk that rose up from the ocean floor!
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