Viral 'speed archery' video mostly shows how gullible the internet is

I suppose I’m gullible because the headline made me think as I was watching the video that it was all CGI and editing tricks.


I felt sick. My mouth was dry. Is there anything worse than being labelled an “internet gullible”? I doubt it. My low self esteem is evidence of that.

When I clicked on the link I felt my heart thud like an Argentinosaurus lumbering across the veldt. [NB: I haven’t checked whether this particular dinosaur lived in southern Africa, but once outed as an IG there’s no shame in being wrong again. And again…] How had I missed such obvious chicanery? Why didn’t I look at viral videos with a more sceptical eye? I could barely breathe; the thought of being suckered by a callous archer claiming to shoot fast was too much. I imagined a frame-by-frame take down of the video showing how this so-called speed archer had conned us all.

But it wasn’t like that at all. It was some guy saying he’s fast, but what about accuracy. Yeah, and what about how many takes he did. Yeah.

Yeah. I looked up gullible just to be sure. I think I was more gullible clicking to the article that said I was gullible.

On a positive note, my heart rate is lower. But I have a dry mouth.


You’re not gullible, it’s just the hash.


Squirrel hunting is odd. At least with a .22 it’s too easy but if you need something to put in the soup pot there it is. A short bow might liven it up a bit but I don’t hunt anymore.

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Well that was some top-quality ignorance. I wonder if anybody ever pointed out to him that China is not Japan?

The idea of the quiver as a later invention that those poor archers in Egyptian times didn’t have seems rather absurd. All in all, {{citation needed}}.

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Just look at this guy who smuggled a banana into the Haunted Mansion.

In a world where Boing Boing dominates the Happy Mutants media landscape, at a time when nerd forces are finally beating up the bullies achieving their just place in the pecking order, are we surprised that not just marketers but product designers/engineers are adapting specs in order to get mentioned?

Confirmation will be in the form of BananaPhone app pre-installed on Apple Watches.

Just Look Forward to It.


I am predicting the emergence of an extreme archery movement wherein this guy, the shooter not the complainer, is the godfather of the form. I say this not on the basis of his talents, but because of the out-sized reaction of traditional archery participants like the complainer.

Also, remember when BoingBoing went through that period of promoting rational thinking and critical thought? What happened? I thought that was a good and appropriate reaction to the state of our culture. I don’t get the new “Whatever” attitude. It is almost like the editors are phoning it in now (oh wait.) Now we are seeing posts critical of exaggeration and hyperbolic journalism. I am getting dizzy.


I didn’t hear him mention China nor Japan, perhaps it’s in the extended.
Either way, that misses the point that “one hand clapping” was a bad analogy and a good comedic opportunity.


You’ve declared Lars Anderson to be unimpressive and unathletic,

Well archery skills aside, the way he was jumping around was kind of risible.

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I passed it on with a comment like, “Ollie Fucking Queen! Squeee!”

Or watching Napoleon Dynamic dance?

Confucius was Chinese.
Zen is Japanese.
Sorry I didn’t explain.


Chasing squirrels running, with multiple shots within seconds, he will go back to his cave with a lot more meat compared to the standing-still hunter with a fire-rate of one every once in a while…

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I was wondering at the force of some of those arrows in the quick shoot video. Sometimes it looked like they were barely sticking into their targets.

I watched my neighbor put an arrow a good four inches through a small fir tree trunk with his compound hunting bow once (on a miss of his real target), and there was really never any doubt that those arrows were forceful.

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High five!

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Again, though, he’s using a short draw, so he seems to be trading a lot of power for speed, and that might not be the best option in close combat, and isn’t going to work in longer-range combat. As I mentioned before, Syrianus Magister mentions training for power, accuracy, and rate of fire.

I’m not even very good at jumping off rocks. I’ll play him at Missile Command though.

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If I were him, I’d produce a high-def video, and edit it to look like portrait mode, just to fuck with everyone’s heads.


Yup, the internet is so very gullible… watching entertaining things on youtube.

I was even gullible enough to read an article by someone who has never produced an entertaining video that’s gone viral but has written a critique of one.