Watch military swarm drones lock on and surround a target

Actually it would, but America isn’t the only country with engineers, so we’ll give you a pass on that one. :wink:

I’m sure the US forces have or will be deploying anti-drone jammers.

Interesting that the article mentions no casualties yet.

Holy shit, imagine if you’re in some remote desert spot camping and suddenly a hundred of these things appear out of nowhere. The sound alone is terrifying. If they were buzzing me and I was armed I would be tempted to shoot at them.

I was waiting for this. I was not disappointed.

And some of you want to repeal the 2nd Amendment…

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Daniel Suarez’s “Kill Decision,” a fun (though kinda terrifying) potboiler, deals with this very topic – autonomous drone warfare based on swarming behavior modeled after ant colonies.


Perhaps you don’t follow military technology news, but hand guns have been ineffective as a means of defense for many years now.

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Which gets to my point that developing the new tech is not a bad thing, however how we use it/employ it can be.

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THIS…sort of cracks me up when I get 2nd amendment folks screaming that they need their guns to defend against the military. As if someone’s home arsenal is going to stop an AC130 gunship. And that is one fo the LEAST destructive hardware.

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I agree in principle. The problem is that I trust the past, present, and foreseeable future political leadership of my country to use it badly. Don’t get me wrong. DoD is going to develop it and there’s nothing I can do about that. But I have no illusions that these will be used any more ethically or responsibly than drone strikes are now. And worse still, what the DoD develops for the military today will be in the hands of the police tomorrow, and they’re even less trustworthy than our country’s political leadership, and we are their target.


They say you never hear the sound of the bullet. I’m okay with that if this is the alternative. Screaming drones is the last thing we’ll all hear.

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I’m sure there are other articles with deaths. A lot of what they were doing was to take Chinese DJI clones and add explosives, then use them to take out enemies firing from behind cover. Or just use them for scouting.

and those screaming drones sound terrifying!

No it isn’t it is given a mission, and decides for itself if the mission is complete and it is time to move onto the next one.

this would be even more terrifying if the rotors could be controlled to change pitch and play ride of the valkyries.


When your ‘social credit score’ (such as is being used and developed in China) drops below a certain value, one or several of these show up to zotz you in the face with a bullet, poison, etc.


Have fun shooting these out of the sky with your concealed carry, Yosemite Sam.


Big sticky nets are legal even without the 2nd tho…

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