In Germany they had a minister (the later Chancellor Bradt) give a speech and then push a big button.
Unfortunately, you could see that the button he pressed wasn’t the one switching to color. Somebody else did that a few seconds too early.
(edit: looks like Brandt wasn’t yet chancellor at the time)
Makes sense to me: I’ve had cats move around to the back of the monitor to see if whatever it was they were following on the screen got out the back. It’s as likely an explanation as any, right?
Also because the early cameras didn’t have much of a color gamut or dynamic range. They were barely colour, you might say. They had to oversaturate everything in the set decoration to compensate.
Honest to gods, when I was <5 yrs old, I sincerely thought there were small people inside my dad’s stereo speakers. It was freaky. I hated mannequins, too; again, freaky.
I tried to speak back to Mr. Rogers by talking into the remote control sensor on our TV. It had a sort of grill over it so it looked like some sort of microphone or receiver (it was one of those early ultrasonic remotes). There’s a lot of reasons it never worked.