Watson for Oncology isn't an AI that fight's cancer. it's an unproven mechanical turk that represents the guesses of a small group of doctors

When I saw the IBM commercials during the World Series, I noted how vague the advertising was. Talking about “this is not the cloud” etc., and I felt: “huh?”

AI for medical diagnosis sounds wonderful. A tool for differential diagnosis could be useful. But doctors already have this. Most of the major conditions have a clinically-developed cheat card that will let doctors zoom into the right dx with only a few questions. Google diagnostic cheat card for hundreds of examples.

Operationalizing this into an “AI” needs to have a significant gain over current practice. It needs to be faster, easier to use and more accurate than whipping out a laminated card to jog the memory (if you don’t already have the questions memorized) and then mentally tabulate the patient’s responses, think for a minute about other factors, then make a determination. Can an AI be even better than that? How so?