WaveSwell drawn sustainable electricity from the sea's natural motion

Yeah. Turns out a lot of those cheap simple solutions are expensive and complicated.

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This is actually old tech. There’s an oscillating wave power generator in Orkney that is bidirectional and uses a Wells Turbine to only have a single turbine in the flow. It’s not as efficient as a unidirectional turbine though as it relies on the moving air hitting the moving aerofoil to give enough angle of attack to turn the turbine.


'Tasmania’s King Island is the sight of the first OWC machine. ’

Just because spellcheck doesn’t tell you it’s wrong, that doesn’t mean it’s right.

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I kind of like, “spill chuck doesn’t write all rings”.
Typed that in and never got one of those squiggly red underlines.

i wonder if the pylon of a wind turbine would be a decent place to house a wave power generator like this. you have the infrastructure of cables and concrete, so even if it’s not hugely efficient it still adds some additional output to the overall setup.


Probably in some locations but I think most ocean-based wind turbines are far enough out at sea that they don’t typically experience a lot of wave action.

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