What happens when you opt your kids out of standardized tests

There was a Life in Hell comic (can’t find it online or I’d simply link to it) where on the first day of Kindergarten, the teacher distills everything the kids need to know into a few sentences. At the end, he asks “Any questions?” One of the kids asks, “Can we leave now?” And the teacher replies, “Goodness, no. We have to keep you doing something for the next 12 years.”

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In high school English, we had to write a 100-word sentence. The trick (and, we found out, the point of the assignment) was to use adverbial(?) phrases, such as “Beneath the eclipse, sometime before Bob Dylan’s parents met, while some countries were still ruled by monarchs […etc., etc.] the teacher assigned pointless busy work.” Probably not what the teacher, in this case, was looking for, though.

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Only 43…you fail! :wink:

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Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo.


Are you trying to buffalo your way through the assignment?


He’s got no beef with you.


“No child left un-recruited” is more like it… since schools were required to forward student information to the military. And that may have been one off the better functions of NCLB. (I kid – there WERE no “better functions” in any part of the law.)

Are you trying to steer me in the wrong direction?

And that money could be so much-better spent by diverting it from the public school systems into the hands of for-profit charter schools, right?

I’m just saying you might not want to worry about that tripe.

Buck up, deer, I’ve got the stomach for it.

Well, it looks like he’s hoofed it out of here anyway, no worries.

What are you bison that on?

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It’s okay, I’m only ribbing you.

I’ll leather the lot of you if you don’t stop it.

Can’t stop now. The steaks are too high.

Whoa there cowboy! We are only horsing around, no need to go of half cocked and put a stop to this rodeo.

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Apparently this is what happens when you opt your kids out of standardized tests.

Let that be a lesson to all you studs and fillies.


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