"When arts die, they turn into hobbies."

I was just making the point that you can buy useful things for little money:
Or you can buy the same useful thing made to look old and decrepit for a lot more money:

The perceived aesthetic value (the domain of art) being the main difference, not the utility.

Continuing the discussion from A beginner’s guide to the Redpill Right:

Well, they make trouble?

And they seem to be making #GamerGate noise.

What about a Hunger Artist?

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In that case, I too am an artist. Just this morning, I produced a very compelling piece in the toilet. Some may consider my work secondary, but I poured my very being into it.

Admittedly, my efforts do not have a broad following, so I should probably classify myself as a “craftsman”.

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Are they not Pickup Artistes?

Pickup Artists make things like this, surely? Although this particular example is a bit chocolate-boxey for my tastes.


I was searching for Piero Manzoni when I found this (which includes a ref to PM’s BMs [Md’A]):


That rabbit is deranged. Anyway, making art in the shape of poop is a perversion of the form. Anyone can produce something that looks like shit, but it requires a true visionary to take that one extra step.

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