Where did land plants come from?

Well, I had this information up on a website in 2001 (it went down some years ago, but it was so publicly available it was cited in Wikipedia), and this year, I put that information in a general article on mycorrhizae in a general-interest newsletter for a native plant group I belong to, and said newsletter is available online at cnpssd.org

Now, I’m glad you covered it, and I hope that it gets more attention. Just realize that we have been getting the information out, repeatedly, for decades, and we’re not talking only among experts or even just to students.

This 20-year-old “vascular plants = endosymbiosis” theory brings to mind the Larval Transfer theory,* which is always good for a laugh.

The same Topographic Oceans blogpost also wasted oxygen on the Lineweaver-Davies “Cancer=Atavism” theory, which received a thorough lambasting from actual biologists last year.

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