Who may swim in the ocean of knowledge?

predate2 | prəˈdāt |

verb [with object]
(of an animal) act as a predator of; catch and eat (prey).

“Damning” is specific to one’s ethical standpoint. You might want to savvy to the political locus of the frequenters of this forum. Academic labor has, if you have (a) been looking, and (b) had a pulse over the past four decades indeed become more precarious. That would include, among other things, the humongous shift towards soft-money and adjunct appointments.

See! You can totally do this!

Look, I get that you are threatened by lexical sophistication, but if you are not up to the heat, stay the fuck out of the kitchen.

Try again… with practice comes literacy.

Being illiterate and driving trollies me does you no credit either. Kindly cease interacting with me in this forum.