Who won the first battle of the new console war?

Playstation Now has far more potential to be revolutionary than any of the next generation consoles, provided the subscription price is at all reasonable. A Netflix version of the PSN library would be a game changer (if you’ll pardon the pun).

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In answer to your meme is simple. I’m flat freaking broke.

I wasn’t too tickled by the always-on internet connection, and the Kinect leaves me utterly cold. I’ve been an Xbox user since 2004 or so, but now I lean more toward the PS. But the thing that kept me away from buying either at this point, more than anything, is that none of the launch titles appealed to me. And that happened last gen as well; I didn’t buy my Xbox 360 until Halo 3 came out, nearly two years after the first 360s were sold. There’s also the fact that my old Halo 3 edition Xbox 360, while still working fine after one warranty-work trip to the shop, suffers from a very full hard drive, and I bought a new Halo 4 edition 360 little more than a year ago, so buying yet another console right away wouldn’t be terribly fiscally responsible.

It may take until Fallout 4 is released before I buy a new console.

This is a good point, and similar to one that occurs to me every time I read Nielsen or box-office coverage like “Frozen beat Anchorman 2 for the top spot this weekend,” as if entertainment were a contest on a perfectly level playing field to win the favor of an utterly homogeneous and demographically indistinguishable audience.

Frankly I don’t understand why these “contests” are even reported outside of industry publications. How is it of any interest to the general public how much something grossed? Is it a go-team thing, where the console you bought or the show you tuned into lends you vicarious success — “We won!”

(At least sports engender some regional cameraderie that cuts across socioeconomic strata; if the guy cheering next to you at the game has good energy and knows what he’s talking about, that supercedes any question of his politics or religion.)

Google: it’s googly


If you have a favorite writer/actor/director/band, then you want their book/TV show/film/CD to do well because then they are more likely to have the opportunity to distribute future works (yes, sometimes you can release independently, but people often need additional funding). With consoles, I would assume that better sales means that other companies are more likely to release games that are compatible with a particular console.

I don’t follow the scene very closely, but I was under the impression that there WERE no working 360 emulators yet, and anybody claiming to have one was just pushing malware. This reddit thread from September talks about the difficulties of doing it, for example: http://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1mfi12/eli5_why_cant_we_make_ps3xbox_360_emulators/

Yet, you’re right, the Googs do bring up MANY supposedly working Xbox 360 emulators. So, who to believe? I’d be wary of testing those out, myself. Maybe in a locked down virtual machine.

Edit: although, the second link there claims to be able to run a full XBox 360 emulation on a Core 2 Duo CPU? I’m calling shenanigans. The sidebar there also calls it an XBox One emulator. So yeah, I have a feeling that’s some lovely malware there.

I agree the second link seems more suspicious than the first, but people are saying that the first one works. I also downloaded the package and scanned with Sophos, which came up negative:

I also stumbled upon this PS3 emulator, but it appears that it’s currently only for devs to test their stuff without having to dump it to a PS. rpcs3 Git (2014/01/09) - EmuCR

In any case, I have an xbox and a PS3 so I’m not gonna be running it :smile:

As an aside, the article ends saying Nintendo’s 5million units is in the lead, but discounts it due to a headstart. PS4 came out a week earlier than XB1and sold 1million units, and only holds that one week headstart lead in units, even at the lower price point. And PS4 is declared the clear winner.

I’d say the first big winners were the media carrying ads for the silly things. As with any gold rush, the most reliable way to make money is to sell supplies to the would-be miners.

I’m not quite sure about your math there. Yes, the PS4 had a one week head start, but the XBone (I love calling it that) sold a million(ish?) units right off the bat too. It’s not like they’re selling a million units a week every week, and thus the PS4 is only maintaining its 1 million units lead because it came out a week earlier. That is, if you compare the XBone’s numbers to the PS4’s numbers of the previous week, I can guarantee you that the PS4 will still have “won”.

It’s pretty clear that the PS4 is more attractive to consumers, right now. But it’s hard to say WHY that is - I’m sure the $100 lower price point certainly helps. But these are all early adopters and fanboys, as far as I’m concerned. What will be more interesting will be the numbers a year after launch, when scarcity isn’t an issue anymore, and it’s all about the games and the platform itself. But even then, neither Microsoft nor Sony are hurting right now, and I’m sure neither will be hurting a year from now.

Well, that site you linked to has 5 articles on it, so I’m not going to take their word for it, necessarily. :slight_smile: I can’t find XeMu360 covered on ANY legitimate gaming site, and I would think it would be pretty big news if it was for realz. The folks on this forum seem to think that it’s bogus. I might load up a fresh windows VM (with no network capability) and see what it does, just for kicks. No way am I putting that anywhere near my real computer and/or network though.

Edit: so I threw it onto a clean VM, and sure enough - you install the emulator, and the bios, and then you’re required to “activate” the emulator using the old scammy “fill out this survey/complete this offer” garbage, and the offers/surveys don’t even work. So yeah, I’m leaning more towards scam on that one too :slight_smile:

And yeah, I have a PS3 and an xbox as well, so I have no need for an emulator for either, it really is just more of a curiosity thing.

remember though that ps4 only launched in america before the xbone. In europe and other territories, it launched AFTER

Ditto… thanks for doing the legwork, I stand corrected :smile:

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