Why Labyrinth is awesome

I think that if you were alive and under the age of 18 on January 1, 2000, then you’re a millennial.

I think you qualify.

Just a note that Labyrinth on blu-ray is currently under eight bucks on Amazon, so now’s the perfect time to immerse yourself in in it.


And “Torrent” is a dirty word, so don’t even think about it!

How much are blu-ray players, though?

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About fifty dollars. But the product I linked to also has the DVD packaged in with it, and I think DVD players come in cereal boxes now.


I’m also a GenX (born in 1973) and I recall that the few things I remembered from Labyrinth influenced my RPG campaigns when I bought my first “dungeons and dragons” manual. (D&D was the only available RPG in Spain before 1989. It was such a “freak” thing so only the “basic” set was published).

I bought the VHS in the late 90s when VHS prices hit the ground; I dont’t remember if I saw it then, but I saw the film on TV last year and I enjoyed it, despite the weird fashion of Goblin King and princess.

I liked the “Underground” theme!


People buy those?


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