Why Sanders is still campaigning, in eight sentences

Not a simple majority. A sufficient number, yes, but not simple majority as in 50%+1.

The super delegates have not voted and cannot for weeks yet. (Except for their original one man one vote vote, like the ones you and I get)


When did he pretend? He never said he was a democrat, but he has caucased with the democrats often and he ran as a democrat because the marginalization he was subject to would have been even more acute. He has a message, that’s been rather popular actually, and he’s gotten it out by running as a democrat. The democratic party has claimed to be the “big tent party”, but has consistently ignored progressives in their midst in favor of centrist (center-right) politics in the past few decades. The party should not expect us to fall in line when they don’t represent our interests.


Yes, we both know that superdelegates cast the deciding votes if someone gets 50-59%. My point was that the article’s author is trying to assert that if someone falls in that threshold, it’s the superdelegates’ duty to vote for the other guy because the winner must not be strong enough.

We read that differently.

Which line(s) left you with your impression?

I got that surely it is their duty to, in the name of the party, select the candidate best suited for the job and who has the greatest chance to defeat the Republican in the fall, as the party believes that someone achieving 50%+1 is quite possibly NOT the best candidate. Created SuperDelegates for just that (this?) eventuality.

It is not their duty to announce before the first primary votes are cast, that their thumbs are collectively on the scale. I found that irresponsible, however probably within their rights. I think they have the duty to reconsider their allegiances, the ones announced before the process officially began, maybe I think they just have a responsibility to do so… at the very least least the right to reconsider.


I think there are plenty of Sanders supporters who will stay home rather than vote for Clinton, but there are probably also plenty who say they will do that now, and who will instead go vote for Clinton when the time comes. To use the analogy from the article - it’s one thing to say you’ll gnaw off your leg to escape that trap, it’s another thing to have the will to do it, and for rational compassionate educated people, voting Trump might be too painful.

But there are lots of people out there who are 18-24 who have never voted before who are feeling the Bern. They don’t hate Clinton (or at least they didn’t). They weren’t even aware of politics when Bill was in the white house. But Sanders is convincing them that it’s important for them to go out and vote. Just like many people who say they won’t vote Clinton will actually do it, many young people who say they are energized to vote won’t find themselves that energized when election day comes. But some will. Clinton called these people stupid kids and told them needed to drop their fantasy of voting for the candidate they like best and embrace the reality of voting for the least popular candidate because of her existing political capital. Maybe if she hadn’t done that the proportion that show up would be higher.


“democratic socialist” is a generic description, and doesn’t indicate membership in any particular party. I’m pretty sure that Sanders and the DSA [not DLC] have both denied he’s ever been a member.

Yes, this nit has been successfully picked.

So what? Who cares whether he was specifically part of a party or just a socialist?


I can certainly see some of what you are saying, but it seems to me that you’re kind of whitewashing the Sanders campaign. The atmosphere around the campaign–blogs, Facebook pages, etc–has been quite hateful since March 15th or so. Even in Michigan, what I heard from the Sanders camp was largely anti-Clinton. Bernie or Bust has been growing, not diminishing as the campaign has worn on. Even if you pretend all that has nothing to do with the campaign itself (I personally very much doubt it, but that’s me), defusing that process of tearing down the front runner would be a higher priority for someone who was really concerned to beat Trump in November.

Particular because what slim chance Sanders may have to win is not dependent on his continuing to run hard. At all. It is plausible that Clinton might lose this primary race. It is impossible that Sanders will win it.

Read the thread. If you can’t be bothered, refrain from commenting. If you can’t comprehend, I can’t help you.

Again, I’m aware of the nit, it’s been picked. It’s not relevant to whether or not Sanders should run as a democrat. If you’ve got more explanation then you could actually clarify rather than saying ‘read the thread’. That’s why they invented conversations.

Neither answer changes any outcomes. Nobody here thinks Sanders should run as a third party candidate unless you do.

If you’re aware of an outcome it impacts, please say so.


You don’t understand what the issue is (small as it is) in that thread. Fine.

It’s not small, it’s completely irrelevant.

If you think it’s relevant, please clarify or point to a specific post. Don’t say ‘read the whole 151 post thread’. Sheesh.


How can you how relevant when you clearly don’t know what “it” or “nit” even is? Here’s a hint: it has absolutely nothing to do with Sanders running as a third party candidate.

The effort you’re putting into being evasive and vague is impressive.

In awe, I am.


You are commenting on an exchange between two other posters knowing precisely nothing about that exchange and now you want me to fill you in on the background. Puppy.

So in the thread about why Sanders is still campaigning, your answer is that it’s not about Sanders continuing to campaign? You’re complaining that somebody’s responding on-topic to your off-topic thread? Narwhal. (is that how this works? Just pick an animal?)


So who here is from 4chan?


I totally agree that Bernie or Bust has been growing rather than diminishing. I also think that if Clinton was running a competent campaign it would be diminishing rather than growing. I’ve seen plenty of people on these forums change from “Obviously I’ll vote Clinton if Sanders doesn’t win” to “You know what, fuck it. We can have Trump for all I care, I can’t stomach Clinton.” That’s not because of what Sanders has done, that’s because of what Clinton has done. Some Sanders supporters have been pretty awful and some Clinton supporters have been pretty awful.

But when Clinton suggested she thought Sanders might not be qualified to be president, and when she said she was sorry for young people who believed Sanders, and when she said she was “sick of the Sander campaign lying about her” over something a Greenpeace activist said (not something Sanders said), she totally lost me. I can’t vote for her anyway, but somehow in the middle of the campaign I myself moved from “Obviously Clinton” to “Fuck it, let it burn.” And it was watching Clinton, not listening to Sanders that did that to me.

Clinton could have handled the whole thing differently, and she could still be turning it around. Nevada was ridiculous. The acrimony over a few delegates in a race that is essentially already decided was crazy and didn’t benefit either camp or the race for the presidency. If Clinton wants to be president then she needs to stop shit like that from happening, not try to blame someone else for it.

If Clinton really thinks that Sanders and his supporters are acting like little kids, then she doesn’t know shit about how to deal with little kids.



It’s the same patronizing garbage that came from Tony Blair when he was asked about Corbyn’s success. And it’s working about as well (but with only one establishment candidate, she’ll win, the Labour party had three competing for the same space).

I think Clinton would perhaps seem better if Sanders wasn’t there, because his presence just make all the disappointing things about her more obvious.

I’m wondering if the lack of Democratic debates is helping/hindering her. I don’t follow her campaign at all, so I haven’t heard anything from her at all for months. I wonder if many of the Sanders supporters she will need to win over in Nov are in a similar boat?