You can call me AI

I’m afraid I haven’t read around the EU rules in detail. I should and I will. But not yet Lord, not yet.
But I was in a corporate Global HQ for a breakfast briefing and seminar on commercialising AI the other day. This is not who I am and I found the thing hilarious. The place was done up in distressed wood to look like a startup loft and looked like the set of a glossy US show about techbros. They didn’t have a HR manager but a global head of culture and humanity or some shit like that.
Anyway I digress. The room collectively lost its shit and gruntle at the EU “definition of AI” and lots of questions were asked about whether the EU was going to amend it quickly as AI development changed so quickly (is it? I see iterative improvements based on scale, investment, and resources).

Which is when you realise seemingly not a person in the room knows how law works and what it’s for. It no more defines what a thing is in reality than an academic paper does. It conceptualises how the law can interact with actions, people, rights etc… It claims regulatory control over a whole field whether that be data, or automation. If spicy autocomplete has a video avatar front end next week it won’t make a blind bit of difference to the law.

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This whole thing is the best thing I’ve read on the Internet today.

The assumption when Grok launched was that because it was trained in part on Twitter inputs, that the end result would be some racial-slur spewing, right-wing version of ChatGPT. The TruthSocial of AIs, perhaps. But instead to have it launch as a surprisingly thoughtful, progressive AI that is melting the minds of those paying $16 a month to access it is about the funniest outcome we could have seen from this situation.



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Looking at the Stockfish pages, they don’t seem to ever describe it as AI. Makes sense. When you make a damned good chess engine, and aren’t trying to pump an n$billion company, you don’t need bolt extra fluff on it.

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TrueAnon Episode 340: Terminator vs. Avatar

We talk through the Ivy League congressional hearing scandal before diving into the weird little world of the e/acc meme movement, Marc Andreeseen’s techno-optimist manifesto, and its misreading of the dark philosophy of Nick Land.

This week we’re taking a look and what happens when you mix theosophy with postmodernism, and philosophy with a diet of dried ramen noodles and amphetamine. CCRU was an experimental counter-culture literature club turned full occultist who discovered “hyperstitions”, fictions that create a feedback loop which results in the actualization of the fictions into reality. They lose their minds in a firestorm of amphetamine psychosis and the absolute nonsense that is academic philosophy. The head of CCRU was a dude named Nick Land, the so-called father of accelerationism, a philosophy which advocates taking the breaks off capitalism and letting it spin itself into the sweet annihilation and absorption of humanity into a hyper-intelligent grey goo of Capital itself. We also talk about the Lemurian Time War. It’s a lot. This one almost broke us.



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Sounds like something a hallucinating AI would write.


I Dont Believe You Will Ferrell GIF


There’s no eye roll emoji is there? Cos that’s what I need right now.

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