Zoo will name a rat or roach after your ex and feed it to a snake on Valentine’s Day

Row your own boat. I assumed nothing, criticized none and commented on my own thoughts of the matter. Have a good evening.

Maybe slather 'em in BBQ sauce…


I don’t think the rats or roaches mind.


Sounds like negative magic.

I suspect the rats and roaches are fed to the snakes on a regular basis, regardless of what they are named.


Sort of begs the question, is the naming ceremony just an accounting notation in some database, or do they, you know, get a sharpie and write the name on the rat?

I think its like the “Name a star” thing but I suspect they will get enough names to keep them naming the food for years to come.

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Hard pass; I don’t need to waste my time, energy (or money) needlessly on people who are no longer in my life.


I wouldn’t go so far as “cruel” but I’m with you on “in bad taste.” I also don’t love what they are setting themselves up to involuntarily participate in. It’s advertised as “name after your exes” but it’s really “name whatever you want.” Somewhere a Nazi shithead is going to be laughing themselves silly getting the San Antonio Zoo to name cockroaches after Jewish people.


Unless there’s a Gold option where the ex gets a certificate… :thinking:


i don’t let myself get hung up on valentine’s day anymore.

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Don’t people write bitter break-up songs anymore?

okay fantasy valentines day might beat dating sites to your moscroft

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