Australian civil servants ordered to fink on colleagues who criticize gov't online

I know a few people who voted Liberal as a sort of protest against how crap Labor was (and they really were) and some who voted for the Liberals for fiscal reasons, but as a rule these people are all appalled by Abbott. He’s like a left nightmare straw man.

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Oh…just because your country bred him and loosed him up on the world you’re trying to take back the most evil thing media and public information outlets as a centralized control source ever introduced on the world population…and cheerfully attempt to shuffle off any national responsibility because he is quite clever in evading tax responsibility by not being ‘technically’ a current citizen.

Haha relax man… Protip: the winkyface means I was joking.

Yeah I knew some otherwise apparently sane and rational people who were planning on voting Libs as a protest. I had a little chat with each about what a fucking stupid idea that was, and they decided against that strategy / decided against discussing that strategy with me again. Hard to tell which.


In Australia the minor parties can gain a lot of leverage in a close poll. Point in hand the Carbon Tax, there’s no way Labor would have introduced that unless they needed the Greens to form Government.

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To be fair, his birth in Australia was simply happenstance. America consciously welcomed him in.


The paintings he’s put on display recently are a cringe-making display of his unashamed incompetence coupled to his lack of self-awareness or self criticism.

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As an Australian (pronounced STRAYAN). I’m rather upset nobody’s bothered to slip these bastards some Iocaine powder. Though it’s possible they’ve developed a tolenrance to it, so maybe we go with plan A - a swarm of Redbacks in the dunnies.


WTF? I thought Australians were the coolest people in the world. What happened??


Everyone hates all the politicians here, so there’s an unfortunate tendency for small groups to be the only front united enough to mobilise. For instance, it’s an almost entirely godless country, but there is a shocking conservative catholic political presence.


What is all the god stuff doing on those slides? Jebus, but I wouldn’t want to be in the committee room with god when he sees those.

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And telling them to dob in their mates? I wouldn’t have thought that was going to go down too well.

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Kevin wasn’t an effective leader and you’ve proven your point in the next paragraph, his party broke down and he couldn’t get them to stop fighting amongst themselves; nor did he manage to pass much legislation worth talking about. Gillard couldn’t stop the fighting, but at least she did manage to pass a lot of legislation, and she did so whilst ruling a minority government lower house.

Kevin was a smart man with plenty of good policies, but he was a terrible negotiator (because he was far too stubborn to ever compromise) and a crappy leader. Gillard was a woman with good policies, excellent negotiation skills and in most regards a good leader. The fighting did continue, but by the point she took the reins the party was already completely unstable, Abbott the attack dog was relentless and ol’ Rupert’s empire was attacking her at every turn. Thankfully she will have made the job easier for the next woman that sits in the seat, and hopefully that won’t be too far away.

I think Gillard will be remembered a lot more fondly as time goes on than most Labor leaders.


Oh yeah, entirely godless, almost 23% of the population are atheist!

:100: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

100 points and three gold stars.

The choice between incompetence and outright malevolence should be a fucking no-brainer.


I wish she’d been PM since that arch-scumbag Howard got the arse, and Rudd had been content to take a back seat.

That would have been a government that delivered more than the usual crap, I reckon… Gillard right after Howard would’ve been more conducive to a shift in the paradigm, perhaps.

I would love to think Tony Airhead could be turfed in one term but the Australian electorate are notoriously ambivolent. Without CONSTANT media attack there is unlikely to be any call to action. I liked what Kevin had to say - I just didn’t realise he was running the government single-handed. Gillard was an excellent number 2 - but it was not ideal timing for Australia’s first female PM. That said the guiding principle of Abbott - that everything in government is best obscured by smoke and mirrors, is a headshaking worry. This Malaysian jet thing has been an obscene gift…hey everybody - look over there!

That whole War thing?

Holy Mother of Fuck! Those slides are even worse than the crap the NSA churn out. What’s with all these biblical quotations?


Thanks for the pointer. I’d missed Dub-ya’s entry in to the art world. There is something strangely fascinating. Maybe, like Godwin’s Law, he should have stuck to painting rather than politics.