Book of funny encounters between librarians and patrons

I work in technology and these kinds of questions are so interesting to me, because the techies who write the software have no idea how much people do not understand what is happening on the computer.

Recently I spent a week with my Mom traveling and i spent time with her explaining the difference between connecting to wi-fi at home and at a public place or hotel, and when her email would update. She is a smart enough lady but this is all new to her.

Yes, it’s funny that someone doesn’t really understand Word from Chrome and wants to sound like they know stuff about computers by saying, “Which is your favorite?” but it’s also sad that people have so little concept of how their computers work that would help them to do things in the modern world. How many people can’t get a job because, like my friend, they make the mistake of (gasp) walking a resume into the HR office because ten years ago that was a way to stand out, and now it makes you look so way off the mark - and the fact is, she found their website too confusing to use?