Death threats drive Anita Sarkeesian from her home

[quote=“djotaku, post:15, topic:39970, full:true”]I just can’t understand the threat-makers getting this worked up over bullshit. Because entertainment is bullshit. Where is everyone getting worked up over true injustice in this world? I can understand being a pratt on the net over this bullshit. The internet pays attention to those who bray the loudest. But to actually threaten people and make them unsafe? Over bullshit? WHAT THE FUCK!?! Seriously. [/quote]I might suggest that the threat-makers are sufficiently obsessed with their entertainment for one reason or another that they feel they are something of an authority on such matters. And that they lack the ability to articulate their points properly (or to recognize that attempting to engage in debate in this case is probably futile) such that they find issuing threats is the best way to get their point across.

I disagree that all this somehow “reflects a real-world misogyny rampant within the gaming world”. I suspect George Lucas has been the target of equally viscous vitriol, and he’s not even a woman.