Dropping Dropbox - what's a replacement?

Me three, for BTSync - I have it running on my NAS.

It’s very nifty!

I just signed up for both JottaCloud and Copy, and neither seem to have 2-factor authentication, which seems highly insecure for a place where you’re storing all your files.

Given Mega’s origins (Kim Dotcom’s fury and response to the corrupt and/or inept FBI raid and surveillance etc that he’s been fighting for the last few years), I’d think that Mega is absolutely the choice for both encrypted cloud storage and for saying F-you to the surveillance state. I haven’t migrated yet, so can’t speak firsthand, but Mega currently tops my list.

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Sync.com is a relative newcomer, but offers client-side encryption that keeps your key private and on your own machine.

It is probably the most private Dropbox-like app available today.

One linux option just bit the dust…
FYI: I received a notice a week or so ago that Ubuntu One is closing down.

We are writing to you to notify you that we will be shutting down the Ubuntu One file services, effective 1 June 2014. This email gives information about the closure and what you should expect during the shutdown process.
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Just be sure that you make sure you’re fully up to date on the SSL library you’re using.

Clarified that for you.


Don’t tie your storage provider to your encryption/backup solution. If one decides to close up shop it should be painless to migrate. I’ve found using Google Drive (15gb free who can beat that?) with Duplicati to be a great combination. You can audit the important part of the code (handling encryption keys), and leave the heavy storage lifting to 3rd parties (Amazon S3, GDrive, etc)

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What about BitTorrent Sync? It allows you to keep your data on your own drives and syncs them across devices. http://www.bittorrent.com/sync

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Why use Copy.com?

  • 15 GB initial free storage
  • Best referral program: 5 GB for both, each referral
  • Fair sharing program (split the bill on storage when you share files, like sharing a bill in a restaurant)
  • It is working seamlessly

You can use my referral link to apply and get your first 5gb referral bonus +15gb initial (all free), and help me too: https://copy.com?r=bqt9V2

Register, install the PC, mobile (or both) app, and reply COPY verification Email (in updates tab in Gmail)

I’ve been using Copy.com for a year now. 15 GB Free account, plus an additional 5GB for every person referred. I’m not sure what the cost for more space is; I’ve never needed it.

Sign up using the referral link and you’ll start with 20GB instead of 15GB.

I’m going with Wuala…the pricing fits for me and it has a Linux Desktop solution. Removed Dropbox from everything, then found your article whilst looking for alternatives. I’m glad I’m not alone in this.

Freedom of association is still a two-way street in these United States. If you don’t like the channel then change it.

Copy has that functionality - called PhotoCopy. Works perfectly for me. If you do end up using it and would like for both of us to have an extra 5GB, feel free to use my link: https://copy.com?r=GCtzno

Cubby from LogMeIn.

Some nice features: pick and choose existing folders to make into Cubby folders, and then pick which ones sync to which machines.

I’ve used Cubby, DropBox, and Box, and Cubby is the one I trust and like the most. You can open an account, or ping me, as I get a bit extra for referral. I don’t need it, but it’s an option. https://cub.by/i/00_YtEd7L8Odg-

Hi Mark, i’m currently using a 1TB Google Drive. I’ve got about 400GB of data uploaded - basically all my data. The Google Drive client is much, much better than its early iterations which crashed frequently. I have it installed at home on my Mac, on my iPhone and at work on Windows. The syncing is responsive. No complaints.

Saying that i’m giving serious consideration to moving to MediaFire to get out of the Google black hole. I’m testing it out now with a free account.

Is there a reason no one is mentioning MediaFire here?

hubiC is an interesting alternative. 25GB for free, bigger tiers with attractive pricing. Big hosting company (OVH) is behind this service.

Thanks! I just tried Copy and this. Copy couldn’t preview MS Office docs on iOS, Jotta did just fine. Signed up two friends, so I have 15 gb for free.

I admire what ownCloud is doing, but I have misgivings about it given that they chose to implement the server in PHP.

Although it’s certainly possible for talented programmers to implement sync and storage securely and correctly in PHP, it’s not a language with a strong track record for that. One example: PHP’s type coercion makes it trivially easy to write code that is particularly erroneous and damaging in crypto programming, such as having different md5 hashes compare as equal.

I’m concerned not only about the correctness of their implementation, but also the acumen of developers who would choose PHP in the first place.

That ownCloud is FOSS is potentially an advantage over the long term. But being FOSS doesn’t guarantee that people with the proper competencies will review it for security and correctness, just that they could review it. And the fact that I have access to the code and can review it myself is irrelevant since although I’m a programmer, I’m not skilled enough in crypto and security to do so.

Tradeoffs to consider for Bittorrent Sync. What you gain in cloudlessness you lose in offsitebackupness. As for greenness, you must also leave at least one other computer or device on all the time to have any sync/backup occur.