Fake cops robbing Detroiters turn out to be real cops

This reminds me a lot of the Donald Westlake novel Cops and Robbers.

I wouldn’t call t pistol whipping someone a “procedural only” problem. Vigilante justice might be procedural in their minds, but it’s not in society as a whole.

I can’t even tell whats going on in the photos.

They should rob the “city manager” the governor put in charge. The one who’s a bankruptcy lawyer.

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This is just the Detroit twist on a kickstarter campaign. They kick the crap out of you and you start to give them your money.

[quote=“RJMeelar, post:3, topic:5689, full:true”]
Maybe we need to start a kickstarter to build an actual Robocop… Or like a factory with jobs in it…
[/quote]Robocop factory.

Cool story, bro. It’s funny because nothing bad ever happens in other cities, not even with cops. And it’s awesome to snark about how shitty Detroit is. Next, show us some ruin porn of the train station. Look at that shitty city, they got a Robocop statue. Ha ha.

(You know, we had a Maker Faire this past weekend, too? Couldn’t say anything nice about that?)

I feel sad about Detroit. I used to go there for summer vacation when I was little and lived in Chicago (in fact, I thought everyone went to Detroit for summer vacation!). It’s too bad what’s happened to it. But I’m glad to hear you had a Maker Faire, and I hope that lots of interesting people move there and help rebuild with the good people who already live there.

About 14 years ago I was robbed by a guy in a police uniform in Amsterdam. I still wonder if he was a real cop.

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