Fake toy store in Hays, Kansas


That’s Hays, America, sir.

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What’s the point of a toy you can’t play with? Might as well display a bunch of vinyl records you’re not allowed to listen to.

Really? I’m Canadian, and when I see ‘Toronto, Canada’ or similar in an American publication, it always seems wrong.

To each his or her own!

It’s actually just a joke stuck in here for the benefit of western Kansans, eastern Coloradans, etc. There’s a lot of references in local media to “Hays, America”, for reasons I’ve never quite been able to discern. Over the years, it’s become something of a running gag that helps identify you as “from around these parts”.

It’s even turned up in the URL for the Ellis County economic development coalition: http://www.haysamerica.net/

[quote=“maggiekb, post:5, topic:7721”]
There’s a lot of references in local media to “Hays, America”, for reasons I’ve never quite been able to discern.
[/quote]I assumed that was to indicate that a geographic region bore the Sarah Palin Seal of Real America-ness®, thus distinguishing it from places like New York or San Francisco which are only part of the same country due to a technical oversight.

Man, I spent the most boring weekend of my entire life in Hays, Kansas, back when I was 12 years old.

Ah! By the way, I should have out a smiley or something in my earlier comment. It came off as peevish, when I intended it to be lighthearted.

I would have squealed with delight had this been a part of my childhood in Hays, America. While it could be argued that it’s a rather boring town, it was a great place to grow up.

Despite Brownback’s gutting of public art funding, it warms my heart to see that independent Kansas artists are still making Kansas beautiful.

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