Giving up on saving the world

Man, how do these people get others to read their manifesto-things these days? I’m getting so desperate I’m turning my (far more useful and practical) attempt into a Dr. Who story. (okay, it’s not JUST mine and lots of people contributed to the design, I’m just a reluctant spokesperson)

However, while I don’t agree with the general nihlism he makes some good points.

The thing is, the whole ‘saving the world by getting people to do go out of their way to do things they’d rather not do’ was never a really viable way to get big things done. In general we humans are creatures of convenience and most of the environmental approaches were never likely to work.

I’m all for accepting when a particular approach turns out not to have staying power, but that doesn’t mean giving up on solving problems just because one or two approaches fail is the way to go. The stakes are kind of big.