Google's lobbyists go big on climate change denial, raise money for Inhofe & Competitive Enterprise Insitute

That plot as you probably well know should not be labelled “sea level” at all and is from Church & White 2008. The record I showed above is from Church & White 2011 which shows the real average of world tide gauges. Your plot involves not just “global” which my above plot also is, but “adjustments” to actual sea level that destroy the scientific process by making data fit theory instead of try to correct for errors in that data to make data reflect reality better. It also combines very short data with long continuous records.

Just be honest, no matter which chart I show you if it doesn’t lend itself to your predetermined mindset, you’re going to reject it. It’s how you deniers work.

Beginning to see a pattern there? No, you can’t… won’t… dare… see it. Brain can’t be wrong. Brain can’t be wrong. Argggghhh… Heh…heh…

Basic logic

That’s a good one…